IT Hardware & Industrial Computing Feature Articles

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Mini sensors to help in the fight against corrosion
Tiny and often tucked away in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, a novel array of sensors is poised to change the costly and resource-intensive process of fighting corrosion in ...
Turning noise into dollars
Australian scientists are helping to build a profitable new industry which turns 'noise' into money.
Future computer chips likely to be cooled with nanofluid
"This is the next generation of cooling devices," Dr. Hongbin Ma tells With a group of students at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and colleagues at Argonne National ...
New manufacturing process helps metals lose weight
A pioneering manufacturing process that can turn titanium, stainless steel and many other metals into a new breed of engineering components could have a big impact across industry.
Queensland increases large-scale manufacturing
Continuous improvement is imperative in manufacturing. Companies that fail to innovate can quickly perish in the face of an ever-changing marketplace. Queensland Manufacturing ...
Australian manufacturing – competing in a global market
Heather Ridout: "It costs $A45,000 to employ a process worker in Australia; it costs $A4,500 to employ the same worker in China."
Lean manufacturing increases in popularity
In an effort to become more profitable and improve quality and customer satisfaction, many companies are turning to a manufacturing strategy based on high production throughput, high ...
Productivity Growth in Australian Manufacturing
There has been an ongoing debate in economic circles regarding the influence of technological change on economic growth. Thus recent studies have looked at a range of factors ...
Casting process modeling software for windows opens door for diecasters
In today's competitive marketplace, companies are seeking ways to shave off costs in every aspect of the production process. Simulation tools have become one solution to which ...
Manufacturing - the Foundation of Australia’s Future
I have written articles in the past about the nature and direction of the industrial design profession in Australia. In my last piece, ‘The Way Forward for Industrial Design’, I ...
Getting the lead out of electronics
Toss one old cell phone into the trash and the amount of lead in the neighbourhood landfill has not increased much. Toss millions of mobile phones, televisions, computer monitors, ...
How Australian IT companies can sell to international governments
There is no doubt that big opportunities exist for Australian IT companies in the international government sector. Australian businesses have already achieved significant success in ...
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