Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Small business welcomes new changes to water restrictions
NSW's largest business organisation, NSW Business Chamber has welcomed the changes in water restrictions announced today by the NSW Government.
Advantages of keeping good business practice all year round
With the financial year-end looming CPA Australia has issued a reminder of the importance of good business practice for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) if they are to ride out ...
Workers Compensation package does nothing to help business
The Victorian Government’s new $90 million workers’ compensation package shows the Government has failed to take account of the impact on industry of the global economic and financial ...
Is China showing signs of nabbing Aust's export confidence?
Australia’s amazing recession-dodging run continued with some new evidence how China’s role in regional trade is helping Australia. Source: Tim Harcort.
CSIRO deal to commercial 'artificial gut' for the food industry
CSIRO Food Futures National Research Flagship and Australian company Stadvis Pty Ltd have signed a worldwide license agreement to commercialise an automated instrument that accurately ...
Bamboo shoots: have exports saved us from recession?
We’ve all heard the news. According to the latest national accounts, Australia has skipped a technical recession for now. This is quite an extraordinary achievement given that 75 ...
Protect jobs through payroll tax cuts and AAA credit rating
“NSW business owners and operators are doing it tough at the moment and fast tracking the payroll tax cuts in the next NSW Budget would help them preserve jobs,” said Kevin MacDonald, ...
The best way to protect jobs is through continuing to trade
About a decade ago I changed jobs. I left the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), where I had held the position of research officer (a position Bob Hawke held in the 1950s ...
China's strength bodes well for the future of Australia's trading
Speaking at the Australia China Business Forum in Sydney recently, Austrade’s Chief Economist Tim Harcourt outlined the continuing promise of the world’s fastest growing major economy ...
Aust PMI (r): Fall in manufacturing industry eases slightly
The pace of decline of manufacturing activity eased in May, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian ...
Streering the way through: How will exporters fare after budget
When the going gets tough, Australia’s exporters keep going. That’s been the experience of past global economic downturns and the current Global Financial Crisis (GFC) is no exception. ...
Are we beginning to see the first signs of the great recovery?
They say a week is a long time in politics. Well, it’s a long time in economics too. A couple of weeks ago, I was with the Treasury Secretary looking at the impact of the decline in ...
AIG says govt's budget supports recovery and renewal
“The Budget supports the economy in these tough times while pushing the re-set button in a number of important areas," says Heather Ridout, the chief executive of the Australian ...
Heavy machinery products in the running for design award
A motor grader, hydraulic drive system and a screening and recycling attachment are among finalists in this year’s Australian International Design Awards.
Pigs can fly – What are the economic implications of swine flu?
Every year there’s an ‘X factor’ -something unexpected that economists cannot put into our well crafted forecasts. Source: Tim Harcourt.
Survey reveals access to finance is blocking economic recovery
One in three businesses have experienced difficulty in securing finance from their bank, according to a NSW Business Chamber survey.
Solutions needed to boost Aust’s skills and raise productivity
Fresh approaches to national skills training are urgently needed in order to meet the challenges of the economic downturn and to position Australia for a return to growth and ...
Workplace flexibility needed to succeed in a tough environment
A near capacity audience has heard that workplace flexibility will be a key component for businesses to survive the current economic downturn, and flourish in its aftermath.
NSW unemployment hits 6.9%, business needs payroll tax break
NSW’s serious unemployment rate of 6.9% supported the urgent need for the Federal Government to fund a 50% payroll tax holiday across the entire country to take off some of the ...
Business welcomes NSW Govt's commitment to cut red tape
NSW’s leading business organisation, NSW Business Chamber has welcomed the NSW Government’s response to the Jobs Summit and its commitment to cut red tape on businesses by $500 ...
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