Electrical & Power Generation Equipment Feature Articles

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Workplace flexibility needed to succeed in a tough environment
A near capacity audience has heard that workplace flexibility will be a key component for businesses to survive the current economic downturn, and flourish in its aftermath.
NSW unemployment hits 6.9%, business needs payroll tax break
NSW’s serious unemployment rate of 6.9% supported the urgent need for the Federal Government to fund a 50% payroll tax holiday across the entire country to take off some of the ...
Business welcomes NSW Govt's commitment to cut red tape
NSW’s leading business organisation, NSW Business Chamber has welcomed the NSW Government’s response to the Jobs Summit and its commitment to cut red tape on businesses by $500 ...
Warning issued to check the ID of WorkSafe inspectors
WorkSafe has issued a warning to businesses to carefully check the identification of anyone claiming to be a WorkSafe inspector.
New standard being developed for sharing information on web
CSIRO scientists will lead an international initiative to develop standards for sharing information collected by sensors and sensor networks over the Internet.
NSW is sitting on $12 billion economic stimulus in unused leave
NSW Business Chamber has welcomed the launch of Tourism Australia’s “No Leave No Life” Campaign to encourage Australian employees to use their $33.3 billion stockpile of annual leave ...
Destination anywhere: Which export markets matter the most?
When it comes to trade most of the news is ‘big picture’. We hear about the Doha round in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), APEC summits and in more recent years, bilateral and ...
New Workplace laws pose another big implementation challenge
"With the passage of the Fair Work Bill through Parliament employers face big challenges to understand the requirements of the new workplace relations system ahead of the implementation ...
National campaign looks at new and young workers in hospitality
Workplace safety authorities across Australia have launched a national workplace safety campaign targeted at new and young workers in the hospitality industry.
Business 6 point plan to cut $700M in red tape and save jobs
NSW’s largest business organisation, NSW Business Chamber will use Premier Rees’ two day jobs summit to outline a six-point plan to cut business red tape costs by more than $700 ...
Activity and employment is down as new orders and stocks fall
In releasing the Australian Industry Group-PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) Ai Group Chief Executive Heather Ridout said: "The ...
Small businesses get online financial boost to compare loans
Small businesses are able to quickly and easily compare business loan options with a new Victorian Government website, the Business Loan Finder.
Industry and training sector create e-learning welding resource
A DVD demonstrating real life welding principles to apprentices is now available free online to industry.
Powering the future – solar cells are to be printed like money
World leading research from CSIRO’s Future Manufacturing Flagship as part of the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium (VICOSC) aims to develop flexible, large area, cost-effective, ...
Scientists prove graphenes' edge structure affects electronics
Graphene consists of a hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms. While scientists have predicted that the orientation of atoms along the edges of the lattice would affect the material's ...
QLD Govt's business measures – win for industry in hard times
"Industry commends the Queensland Government on it announcements that will ease red tape and costs pressures for many of the State’s businesses during these difficult times," Ai ...
Researcher finds cheaper way to make longer-lasting fuel cells
Fuel cells convert hydrogen and oxygen to electrical power and water with no air pollution, hazardous waste or noise.
Business welcomes calls for tax relief, but more help is needed
New South Wales’s leading business organisation the NSW Business Chamber has strongly welcomed calls for further tax relief for the state’s businesses, but measures to help stimulate ...
Residential Current Devices can save people's lives
Thirty-three out of the 38 electricity related deaths in West Australian homes in the past 16 years could have been prevented if an RCD had been fitted, EnergySafety has said.
Big day for monetary and fiscal policy – 'all hands are on deck'
"The nation building and jobs plan announced by the Federal Government are simple and substantial, and will provide a big stimulus to help keep the economy moving. Together with the ...
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