Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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New moorings to save seagrass
An aerial view of a typical boat-mooring area in Moreton Bay reveals dozens of bare haloes, patches of sand surrounded by seagrass.
Remote-access meters can cut your energy costs
A new web-based smart metering system has been developed by CSIRO to enable householders, small businesses and electricity retailers to remotely control energy use over a broadband ...
Signal flurry checks location
The risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands could be eliminated by a new quantum communication process that delivers unprecedented security.
Skilled workers needed: Federal Budget to the rescue
Feature article of the week: For the construction industry, the recently released 2010-2011 Federal Budget is focusing on building foundations for skill training. This marks a strong ...
Hacked grasses hoard sugar
New technology developed by Australian scientists has supercharged photosynthesis - the natural process of plants converting sunlight and carbon dioxide into biomass and usable energy ...
New genes may save wet wheat
Researchers have begun looking for similar genes responsible for rice's ability to survive inwatery conditions to create a new wheat hybrid suited to waterlogged and saline conditions. ...
Seeding could boost dam power
A Waikato University scientist is proposing an alternative to conventional mining of New Zealand's national parks.
Murray-Darling water to flow where it is needed most
A new CSIRO report will help ensure the delivery of maximum ecological benefits from water allocations in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB).
Quantum physics boosts signal
UQ physicists have demonstrated a novel solution to the problem of information degradation when amplifying signals at the quantum information level.
Gold particles change plastic
Durable paint, water purification, faster computers, tougher shoe soles, and lighter and cheaper televisions are all possibilities now that a Queensland University of Technology ...
Understanding AUS's desert businesses
A major national study aimed at identifying the secrets of business success for small and medium enterprises gets underway this week.
Adaptive camera senses trouble
Curtin University of Technology researchers have developed computer software that can detect unusual behaviour in crowds and other high-motion environments, providing a new tool in ...
Better mixing helps mining yield
Chaos theory could hold the key to making the in-situ leaching process a more effective ore extraction technique, according to a team of CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship scientists. ...
It's now time for an interest rate pause
Reserve Bank interest rate increases are always difficult for business and all borrowers across the economy.
Bold leadership on tax will realise our potential
The Henry review into Australia's Future Tax System makes an historic and significant contribution to the economic reform debate in Australia.
Zero emission house opens
Designed to fit the Australian climate – and the lifestyle of a typical middle-income family – Australia's first Zero Emission House (AusZEH) has officially opened in Melbourne.
New program helps secure data
Monash researchers have developed a revolutionary online data management program that is being used by scientists at the Australian Synchrotron and exported to institutions around ...
Understanding business etiquette in international trade
With significant geographic, language and cultural barriers, nations that are typically considered "Western," (Western Europe and its former empire), are divided from cultures that ...
Engine of growth is fuel efficient
Last year Australians purchased 937,328 new cars, with the Holden Commodore being the best seller. The transition to more environmentally friendly cars may be off to a slow start in ...
Managers report feeling isolated
As the economy recovers with its corresponding effect on workloads, a Deakin University academic has urged companies to make sure their middle managers have time for their friends.
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