Test & Measurement Feature Articles

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CSIRO technology helps Chinese companies to explore oil
CSIRO technologies are helping petroleum companies improve their exploration methods not only in Australia but worldwide.
Economy security package is timely, targeted and temporary
“The Government’s $10.4 Billion Economic Security package provides timely insurance for the local economy against the risks from the global crisis and equally timely support against ...
Will exporters be able to ride out the current economic storm?
What a roller coaster ride it has been in the past week or so. The events are so unprecedented that they have now entered the realms of psychology rather than economics.
Weaknesses in services persists amid global financial instability
The services sector activity contracted for a sixth successive month in September, although the rate of decline eased for the first time since May.
AIG welcomes the detail in the new workplace relations policy
“Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has provided important new details on the Government’s workplace relations agenda. While a number of the measures will be welcomed by industry, ...
Price complexity and dangers of the looming margin crunch
In the current economic climate, companies face some of the most complex business environments for many years.
Government weights and management system goes global
Historic legislation introduced into Federal Parliament today will establish the legal framework for a single system of weights and measures for Australia replacing the current ...
Decisive action needed by govt to protect small business - AIG
“The Federal Government needs to take decisive action to preserve the small business redundancy pay exemption following a statement by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission ...
Cutler Review- set of measures to lift Aust’s innovation effort
“The Cutler Review into Australia’s National Innovation System represents an ambitious set of measures to lift Australia’s innovation effort,” Australian Industry Group Chief Executive ...
More can be done on climate change :Environment Business
Professor Ross Garnaut's recommendation for a 10% cut in Australian greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 was put forward with the acknowledgement that it did not go far enough to achieve ...
Peak business group calls for action to fix govt and help workers
Swift and bipartisan action is needed to streamline government, minimise waste and mismanagement and help hard working Australian businesses get on with the job, according to NSW’s ...
Aust PMI®: Manufacturing sector has full quarter of contraction
Manufacturing activity remained below the key 50.0 level separating expansion from contraction in August, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian ...
Neighbourhood Watch: Closer economic ties to be with ASEAN
Simon Crean is a born negotiator. As a young official with the Storeman and Packers Union (now the Nation Union of Workers) he famously negotiated a major case in the wool stores, ...
New intelligent grid could be Australia's future energy supply
An advanced electricity network, which uses distributed energy resources – local, low emission and renewable power – is the vision of a national, collaborative research cluster for ...
Self-assembling polymer arrays can improve data storage
"In the past 20 to 30 years, researchers have been able to shrink the size of devices and the size of the patterns that you need to make those devices, following the use of the same ...
Manufacturer activity continued to weaken during July, says AIG
Manufacturing activity continued to weaken in July, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) ...
Aussies play game very well behind scenes at Beijing Olympics
As ‘The Airport Economist’ I get around a bit and am actually contributing this commentary from Beijing, a city in the midst of the frenzy of the 2008 Olympic Games. Source: Tim ...
Going the distance - Aust exporters going with the Olympic spirit
The Olympic Games are upon us again and the world’s eyes turn to Beijing as China has its long awaited turn to play host to the world’s athletes. Source: Tim Harcourt.
Research looks into storage of CO2 deep underground
The release of the Garnaut Review and the Government’s Green Paper have highlighted the need for further research into safe and economical technologies to reduce greenhouse gas ...
New free trade agreement between Australia and Chile
Australia has signed a new free trade agreement (FTA) with the South American nation of Chile. The pact with Chile is the first FTA under the new Rudd Labor Government. Source: Tim ...
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