Electronic Components Feature Articles

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Getting the lead out of electronics
Toss one old cell phone into the trash and the amount of lead in the neighbourhood landfill has not increased much. Toss millions of mobile phones, televisions, computer monitors, ...
Holden and CSIRO Develop Next Generation Hybrid Powered Cars
CSIRO will work with Holden developing energy management control systems which integrate supercapacitors and advanced batteries for the next generation of hybrid powered vehicles.
Aust manufacturers must master complexity or perish
Deloitte's Global Managing Director of Manufacturing Industries, Gary Coleman has said that driving sustainable, profitable revenue growth is the top priority for manufacturing ...
Solving Australia's energy dilemma
Australia needs vast amounts of new, low-cost, clean energy to sustain growth. A $15m national research flagship program is setting out to create it.
Fuelling the 21st century with Fuel Cells
Fuel cells are an efficient and low-polluting way to generate power. The Australian Technology Park in Sydney has installed Australia's first commercial fuel cell.
A future for our factories in contract manufacturing?
(David Forman) In towns and cities across Australia there are empty factories and empty warehouses - the outcome of two decades of economic reform and the gradual globalisation of ...
Australia's automotive industry
The automotive industry is one of Australia’s key manufacturing sectors and an important source of employment, and research and development.
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