Material Handling & Lifting Equipment Feature Articles

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Aust manufacturing industry activity eased during August
Australia's manufacturing activity eased in August, as growth in consumer demand and new orders unwound from recent strong highs, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers ...
WA transport company fined for driver fatigue offences
A Bibra Lake transport company has been fined a total of $20,000 for failing to comply with WA’s laws on fatigue management for commercial vehicle drivers.
Aust govt provides more funding for manufacturing
John Howard: "I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government will provide $1.225 million over four years for the continuation of the Northern Advanced Manufacturing Industry ...
Intense import competition slows down growth in Aust
Manufacturing growth slowed in the March quarter 2007 due to skill shortages and other capacity constraints and the impact of the high Australian dollar on exports and import ...
AIG pre-budget submission: ambitions for Aust prosperity
The Australian Industry Group has released details of its submission to the Federal Government outlining a range of proposals to be included in the May Budget.
Manufacturing forecast for 07, predicts slightly better yr
A weakening in demand, coupled with the drought and other supply shortages, has contributed to slower growth in Australia's manufacturing industry in January, with The Australian ...
Industry calls for prescribed waste facility in after Nowingi decision
Industry is calling on the State Government to ensure a prescribed waste facility is available in Victoria, following a recent announcement to abandon plans for the Nowingi prescribed ...
Manufacturing growth in October eases amid patchy demand
Growth in Australia's manufacturing activity slowed in October, reflecting mixed domestic demand, marginally weaker export growth and intense import competition.
Change key to success in forest, paper & packaging industry
Increasing cost pressures, supply chain efficiency, greater customer focus and improved long-term sustainability top the list of key concerns for CEOs in the forest, paper and ...
Manufacturing activity picks up, but remains mixed overall
Australia's manufacturing sector grew moderately in August, underpinned by a lift in domestic demand and exports. Nevertheless, the overall performance was mixed, with input cost ...
Increasing pressure from China on Aussie manufacturers
Australian manufacturers are experiencing increased competitive pressures in their dealings with China, while at the same time they now see China as the most important market in ...
200,000 jobs at risk if Govt keeps ignoring manufacturing
A report from the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research has been launched at the AMWU National Conference, showing that the Australian manufacturing industry will lose ...
Move over China, Brazil challenges Aussie manufacturing
While Australian manufacturers are eyeing China and India as their main competitors in the global market, they should also be keeping a watchful eye on South America, according to ...
Manufacturing stronger but conditions still challenging
Manufacturing activity strengthened in June with The Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI™) rising 5.6 ...
Falling sales and rising costs underpin subdued activity
Manufacturing production eased further in the June quarter 2006, as sales continued to decline and raw material costs rose sharply, according to The Australian Industry Group ...
Consequences of Government allowing jobs to go offshore
The Howard Government is the only Government in the western world not investing in its own manufacturing sector, and the statements by the Federal Government’s chief economic advisor ...
Manufacturing conditions difficult as input costs surge
Manufacturing conditions remained difficult in May, according to The Australian Industry Group-PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI™). ...
Government IR laws will hurt workplace Health and Safety
The ACTU has called on the Howard Government to repeal the sections of its new Industrial Relations laws which ban Workplace Agreements from giving workers leave to attend union-provided ...
Nanotechnology expert analysis: huge impacts on future
The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) has announced the continuation of its first series of original essays in which industry experts predict profound impacts of nanotechnology ...
Intelligent vacuum gripper systems
Unigripper is an intelligent vacuum gripper system that incoporates unique, patented technology which can automatically sense the load and apply vacUum only where it is needed.
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