Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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Tight gas-hunts in sweet spots
Curtin University researchers are part of a key group of scientists set to investigate and make recommendations for future successful tight gas exploration in Western Australia.
Measuring an electron
Quantum computers promise exponential increases in processing speed over today's computers through their use of the "spin", or magnetic orientation, of individual electrons to ...
Regional minerals demands buoys AUS's mining sector
Feature of the week: Within five years China's economy will be almost equal in size to the world's largest economy, that of the United States.
Safety awareness in PPE clothing
Feature of the week: More safety awareness in producing personal protection equipment (PPE) clothing is imperative if accidents are to be averted in sensitive voltage areas.
Environmental policy – where do the parties stand?
Feature of the week: All three major political parties have now laid out their environmental credentials for the upcoming election, and although all promise action, there are wide ...
Plenty of activity for structural engineers
Feature of the week: The first half of 2010 has proven to be a very good period for companies involved in structural engineering, primarily those that provide engineering services ...
Skills & finance shortfalls a concern for engineering sector
Feature of the week: Australia's engineering sector, despite the negative impact of the global financial crisis (GFC), has shown itself to be resilient and adaptable. But there are ...
'Talking' lessens rail accidents
The La Trobe system – which will extend driver 'vision' up to one kilometre in all directions – will be trialled in 100 vehicles, the largest known rail crossing safety study of its ...
Commercial and industrial building set for recovery
The next two years will see a gradual upturn in Australia's commercial and industrial building, but this will not be enough to offset a dramatic decline in Government building work, ...
Australian agriculture must adapt to climate change
In Australia's first ever climate change adaption conference, scientists and decision makers delivered a clear message: agriculture and farming businesses must cope with the changing ...
Workplaces still lack women
Only 38 per cent of Generation X, tertiary qualified women participating in a long-running University of Melbourne study or work full-time, compared to 90 per cent of Generation X, ...
Businesses must make their own carbon action plans
Feature of the week: Although the government has delayed its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme until at least 2013, it is still in the interest of businesses in all sectors to start ...
AUS's 1st climate change adaptation conference
The first international conference held in Australia to discuss the science and options for adapting to climate change begins on the Gold Coast on Tuesday 29 June.
Light chip breaks speed records
Physicists at the University of Sydney have brought silicon chips closer to performing all-optical computing and information processing that could overcome the speed limitations ...
Waste management for Australian businesses
Feature of the week: Every year Australian businesses purchase millions of computers, printers and televisions, and throw out their old ones.
 Access to finance a major barrier to SME exporters
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has renewed calls for Australia's banks to make a greater effort to understand and meet the needs of the small business sector following ...
Simple answer for clean water
The production of clean energy and the treatment of waste water are set to become easier thanks to ANU researchers.
Construction: Big engineering projects mean big bucks
The Construction sector in Australia is worth $172 billion, and a significant share of this revenue comes from engineering and infrastructure construction particularly for mining, ...
Emotional intelligence: Enhancing success in the workplace
Where there is emotional intelligence in the workplace, there are likely to be happy, and productive employees who work as a team.
Transistor uses seven atoms
Scientists have literally taken a leap into a new era of computing power by making the world's smallest precision-built transistor - a "quantum dot" of just seven atoms in a single ...
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