Test & Measurement Feature Articles

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Business welcomes calls for tax relief, but more help is needed
New South Wales’s leading business organisation the NSW Business Chamber has strongly welcomed calls for further tax relief for the state’s businesses, but measures to help stimulate ...
Big day for monetary and fiscal policy – 'all hands are on deck'
"The nation building and jobs plan announced by the Federal Government are simple and substantial, and will provide a big stimulus to help keep the economy moving. Together with the ...
Strategic R&D investment can really help to benefit bottom line
Despite the unprecedented downturn facing Australia’s minerals industry, now is the time to invest in strategic research and development, according to CSIRO Minerals Chief Dr Bart ...
ACMA releases an Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan
The Australian Communications and Media Authority has released a new Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan (the Spectrum Plan).
Trade jobs appear to be surviving despite the downturn
Choosing to study a trade may be the way to stay employed during the economic downturn with a recent study finding that there is still a shortage of labour in some trade areas.
How will Obama stimulate the economy with green technology?
“There is no obstacle that can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change.” In the week of President Obama's inauguration, his words are a noble call to us all to rise ...
NSW Business Chamber has concerns on Union Right of Entry
The Federal Government’s Fair Work Bill has wide reaching implications for New South Wales’ employers and careful consideration must be given to the final shape of the legislation ...
Standardising greywater treatment technologies through tests
A new protocol for testing greywater treatment technologies in Australia could boost efforts to conserve the nation’s water resources.
Strong immigration program essential in tough economic times
"The announcement by the Minister for Immigration, Senator Chris Evans, that the Government would maintain existing permanent skilled migration levels recognises the important ...
New maps prove to be boon for Queensland mineral explorers
CSIRO’s Minerals Down Under Flagship is working with the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) to provide Queensland’s mineral explorers with the benefits of exciting new advances ...
Stoddard partners with SkillsTech Australia to sharpen edge
SkillsTech Australia, a lead trades and technician training TAFE Institute, recently presented twenty Stoddart Manufacturing employees with Certificates in Competitive Manufacturing ...
Fair Work Bill said to be by and large a workable compromise
“The Fair Work Bill introduced into Parliament is by and large a workable compromise being the outcome of extensive and testing negotiations over many months. The Government had to ...
New diagnostic technique helps with Cardiovascular Disease
A study has discovered a novel diagnostic testing technique that provides direct, accurate and reproducible physical measurement of both the size and concentration of a broad range ...
Global Information Security Survey 2008 looks at compliance
The findings show that organisations are moving beyond regulatory and corporate compliance to protect their brand and reputation.
Australian export awards finalists winning on the world stage
Minister for Trade, Simon Crean, has announced the 84 enterprises that have been selected as finalists in the 2008 Australian Export Awards, which recognise outstanding achievements ...
Obamaomics: What does it all mean for Aust exporters?
Hope is a much underrated emotion in economics. I saw a demonstration of this on election day in the United States. Let me explain. Source: Tim Harcourt.
New ISO standard to promote consistency in sensory analysis
When trying to describe the taste, smell or feel of a product, a universe of terms and sensations will come to mind.
Green building: Creating healthier environments for everybody
Green building practices do more than reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy costs and waste.
Peak business group calls for better infrastructure spending
NSW’s leading business group, the NSW Business Chamber, has released its submission to Infrastructure Australia on the development of a National Infrastructure Priority List.
Better and faster broadband is vital to boost competitiveness
An Australian Industry Group / Deloitte CEO Survey has highlighted the critical importance of lifting the performance of Australia’s broadband network.
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