Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Top ten new food product trends for 2010
Levels of NPD activity are continuing to hold up well in the face of the difficult global financial situation, with the number of launches in the first 10 months of 2009 ahead of ...
Flavoured and functional waters bubble up in Europe
The European market for flavoured and functional waters rose a further 5% to 3,600 million litres in 2008, according to the new Europe Flavoured and Functional Water Insights report ...
Highlighting AUS water management skills to the US
A water delegation of prominent officials from the United States and Mexico has been assembled by the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), to showcase Australian expertise in ...
Good managers form the key to better business
An international survey of Australian manufacturing companies confirms that good managers are the key to successful businesses and highlights where Australian managers need to improve. ...
$20.6 million in climate ready grants to support 324 jobs
The Climate Ready Program offers matching grants from $50,000 to $5 million to support research and development, proof-of-concept and early-stage commercialisation activities to ...
Benefitting from innovative IP service opportunities
Darwin-based innovators now have access to a secure intellectual property (IP) lodgement service thanks to a new initiative by Federal Government agency IP Australia and Australia ...
Healthy, affordable luxuries keeps consumers spending
If the recession has proven anything, it’s that consumers are willing to pay a premium for healthy products.
Updated reforms to the Franchising Code of Conduct
The Government will enhance the investigative powers of the ACCC by amending the Trade Practices Act to allow the ACCC to conduct random audits under the Franchising Code and other ...
Are Organic & Fairtrade foods striving or thriving?
While the Innova Database records increasing levels of new product activity overall in the first half of 2009, the recession is now reportedly starting to bite more noticeably in ...
Standards Australia’s new business model refined
Following recent, extensive stakeholder consultation, a revised approach to Standards Australia’s way of operating has been developed in conjunction with, and supported by, the ...
Incentive travel sector benefit with Dreamtime 2009
Tourism Australia has kicked-off Dreamtime 2009, its Australian incentive travel showcase designed to keep Australia’s sellers on the radar of influential buyers from around the ...
Medical ice cream may combat some chemo side effects
An innovative new medical ice cream developed by Fonterra and The University of Auckland has shown early promise for combating some of the unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy.
Fighting to entice skilled workforce during downturn
The Australian Industry Group/Deloitte CEO survey, Skilling Business in Tough Times, has highlighted the strong pressures on employment and training during the downturn and the ...
New report released on state of the NSW finances in 2008-09
NSW Business Chamber has welcomed the release of the Report on State Finances saying it represented a better than expected outcome for NSW following the global financial crisis.
Continuing cheer for chocolate confectionery market
The chocolate confectionery market has, by and large, managed to keep its head above water during the financial downturn, reflecting the ongoing demand for small indulgences and ...
One set of global accounting standards to protect info
“It is imperative that there is one set of financial reporting standards for the world if the quality and comparability of investor information is to be protected.
Processing food waste to produce Biogas energy
The Environmental Technology Centre at Murdoch University has been awarded a $45, 823 grant from the Waste Authority’s Strategic Waste Initiative Scheme (SWIS) to develop and ...
Navigating your business: Best practices in and out of recession
Why is it that certain companies only take the time to tighten their belts when times are tough?
Going green in business: How to save money and the planet
As our awareness of our environmental impact grows, more and more businesses are looking to decrease their carbon footprints and lower their impact on the world around them.
Govt's space effort ramped up to aid inventiveness
The Rudd Government has ramped up the nation’s space effort with the opening of the new $40 million Australian Space Research Program.
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