Electronic Components Feature Articles

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Many manufacturers implement RFID for process improvement
New research reveals details of tremendous variety of process changes being made by manufacturers using RFID.
What does the Australia-Japan Free Trade Agreement mean?
Its official: Japan is back. The Bank of Japan has ended its fight deflation first policy of nearly half a decade and Japan can now expect a return to economic growth with moderate ...
Taming problems of ever increasing business information overload
Information demand for businesses today is growing to overwhelming proportions – both in responding to requests for information, and in managing their own existing information stores. ...
Business regulation is costing too much to Australian economy
Standards Australia CEO, John Tucker, says that business regulation is costing the Australian economy around $86 billion a year, or more than 10 percent of the nation's GDP.
Manufacturing growth in October eases amid patchy demand
Growth in Australia's manufacturing activity slowed in October, reflecting mixed domestic demand, marginally weaker export growth and intense import competition.
Think-tank chooses to focus on aluminium industry sustainability
Highlighting the role of research in keeping Australia’s aluminium industry sustainable – economically as well as environmentally – was the focus of a two-day industry forum that ...
Counterfeit power points could turn out to be dangerous killers
Standards Australia has warned licensed electricians and electrical wholesalers to be constantly vigilant when importing electrical goods.
Major study finds standards important to drive the economy
A major study into the impact of standards on the Australian economy has found water and electrical standards generate economic benefits of around $1.9 billion a year while mineral ...
Demand for nano technology will cross $28 billion by 2008
The report "The World Nanotechnology Market (2006)" provides an updated and detailed overview of the Nanotechnology market worldwide.
Manufacturing stronger but conditions still challenging
Manufacturing activity strengthened in June with The Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI™) rising 5.6 ...
NZ company receives grant to develop hydrogen sensors
A $582,000 Government grant has been awarded to Christchurch company Nano Cluster Devices Ltd to help it commercialise tiny hydrogen sensors.
Falling sales and rising costs underpin subdued activity
Manufacturing production eased further in the June quarter 2006, as sales continued to decline and raw material costs rose sharply, according to The Australian Industry Group ...
Manufacturing conditions difficult as input costs surge
Manufacturing conditions remained difficult in May, according to The Australian Industry Group-PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI™). ...
Vehicle navigation manufacturers must expand value by 2010
Vehicle navigation systems have provided a significant revenue opportunity for the automotive industry, however navigation manufacturers must enhance their offerings to maintain ...
University of Queensland to help develop new photoresists
SEMATECH and the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) will collaborate in a project that aims to develop new resists for 193 nm immersion lithography, an emerging technology ...
Nanotechnology expert analysis: huge impacts on future
The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) has announced the continuation of its first series of original essays in which industry experts predict profound impacts of nanotechnology ...
Major report released on the future of manufacturing
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) has released the most extensive study conducted into the future of the manufacturing sector in Australia in almost a decade.
Future computer chips likely to be cooled with nanofluid
"This is the next generation of cooling devices," Dr. Hongbin Ma tells PhysOrg.com. With a group of students at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and colleagues at Argonne National ...
Benefits of three-panel liquid crystal display technology
Leading projector manufacturers Fujitsu, Hitachi, Panasonic, Sanyo and Sony have joined Forces with Epson to educate the market about the benefits of three-panel liquid crystal ...
Proof that Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) works for SMEs
There is a perception in some quarters that the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) program is not suited to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). In this article we examine ...
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