Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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Sustainability "next challenge" for manufacturing
CSIRO wants to work with more SMEs to help them overcome environmental hurdles.
Manufacturing must reinvent itself, add value: TAFE NSW
Despite a tough decade, manufacturing in Australia still has a promising future if it focuses on getting closer to the customer and improving the value proposition, says Kathy Rankin ...
Manufacturers express "deep concern" about skills shortages
Australian Industry Group members say lack of trained staff will present a "high risk factor" in the next five years.
How climate change impacts infrastructure maintenance
Understanding how climate change could impact on the deterioration of the basic building block of much of Australia's infrastructure – concrete – is crucial to ensuring major assets ...
Engineering issues arising from earthquakes
American forensic engineer David Biggs knew the magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch on February 22 had changed public perceptions of engineering issues when a New York taxi ...
Wireless technology keeps tabs on infrastructure
Engineers routinely inspect bridges and other structures for cracks and corrosion.
Engineer issues arising from earthquakes
American forensic engineer David Biggs knew the magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch on February 22 had changed public perceptions of engineering issues when a New York taxi ...
Saving on electricity costs: A how to for industry
Electricity costs have steadily risen over the past five years, with prices expected to increase dramatically in the near future.
The world’s 'coolest' physics study
The interior of a powerful machine newly installed at The University of Western Australia is not only the coldest place in the State, it is colder by far than anywhere in Antarctica ...
Australian mechanical engineering faces skills shortage problems
Mechanical engineering encompasses a broad church, from the design of air-conditioning systems and their installation to automotive materials handling and machinery design, but ...
Dams caused weed infestation
A new study has revealed that human-induced changes in the flow of the Murray River has led to mass weed invasion and reduced biodiversity in wetlands along the riverbank, highlighting ...
Modern houses survived Yasi
James Cook University’s Cyclone Testing Station (CTS) team is now well advanced on their investigation in the areas most affected by Tropical Cyclone Yasi, focusing mainly on the ...
Industrial relations in Australia: The facts
Industrial relations (IR) is an all-encompassing term for the relationships existing between employers, workers and their representatives.
Adapting flood plans to areas
Tailored flooding solutions which cater to the unique requirements of the area are required, if we are able to adequately manage future flooding risks.
Aerobatics aircraft on autopilot
Australian scientists have developed a novel autopilot that guides aircraft through complex aerobatic manoeuvres by watching the horizon like a honey bee.
Laser allows cars to lose weight
A team of Swinburne University researchers has developed a joining system that overcomes decades-long obstacles to the wider use of magnesium in the automotive industry.
Can plastics generate electricity?
Feature of the week: It's been said that if you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door.
Big changes at Port of Newcastle
Feature of the week: It's called T4, short for Terminal Four, and (like its predecessors) aims to cash in on surging global demand for coal, while simultaneously shrinking the number ...
Statistically speaking: Construction figures are conflicting
Feature of the week: It's been said that statistics will confess to anything, if you torture them enough, and there are few industry sectors where conflicting admissions are extracted ...
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
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