Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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CEOs told to bet big on coming mega-trends
CEOs have been told to look beyond to the current gloomy economic news, and take intelligently aggressive steps to capitalise on the mega-trends transforming business.
US manufacturing tipped to bounce back: research
After years of decline, US manufacturing is set to rebound in the next five years, as China gradually loses its competitive advantage.
Wonder material graphene given research boost
Graphene, the world’s thinnest, strongest and most conductive material, has received a huge research boost in the UK, set to bring the material into mainstream global commercialisation. ...
Aerial infrastructure scanning program takes flight
Innovative, Australian-made technology, developed by the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA), is set to become operational next month, when Ergon Energy's ...
Engineers build world first "running" robot
It's not quick enough to win a City to Surf, but a US-built robot that can run like a person, could soon perform duties where humans fear to tread.
The psychology of industrial disputes
New research has added more gloom to the threat of strikes by showing how the emotional strain of protracted negotiations can lock rivals on a path to mutual destruction.
Autonomous robots taught to think like us
A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT in the United States allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently — and move more predictably.
Carbon and tax are two different issues: ACCI
While the words "Carbon" and "Tax" seem inextricably linked in political debate they are separate issues and should be viewed as such, a group of Melbourne’s leading industry CEOs ...
Prepare now for the end of the boom, economist warns
The resources boom is not costless. What happens when it ends? Australia needs to prepare.
Engineer skills shortage reaches crisis point - again
It’s becoming a familiar refrain, but according to a new report on Australia’s skills shortage, engineers need better training to fill the rapid demand for engineering professionals. ...
Researchers work on proving Einstein wrong
A mathematician working on a new description of gravity and a scientist producing microscopic materials for the next generation of electronic devices are to receive a prestigious ...
Collective bargaining faces resistance from multinationals: study
Collective bargaining via the trade union movement is facing strong resistance from multinational enterprises operating in Australia, but union bosses say the system is working.
Aussie researchers discover superdense aluminium
An international research team has discovered a new material, superdense aluminium, which has never before been found on Earth.
Australian manufacturing at a crossroads
The government says Australia is recreating itself, and building a new economy on a new type of manufacturing. Industry sees it differently.
Innovation report card gives Australia thumbs up
Innovative Australians are improving the things they make and the way they make them, ensuring a fairer, richer, healthier and greener future.
AI keeps aircrafts safe
Swinburne engineers have developed an inspection system based on artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and characterise internal flaws in composite materials in aircraft.
NI test outlook reveals integration, software, computing trends
Measurement and automation leader publishes its Automated Test Outlook to help engineers stay up-to-date on current technology trends.
Australian infrastructure not "bad", but under imminent pressure
Australia’s creaking infrastructure may not be as bad as many of us are lead to believe.
Engineering skills shortage problem still "chronic"
A survey of over 2,300 engineers has found 60 per cent identified a skills shortage in their work area, according to the Australian National Engineering Taskforce.
Beating corrosion in industrial water systems
Maintenance must be more than an afterthought, particularly when it comes to your industrial water system.
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