Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Could Santa have known if you've been good or bad?
By using technology to detect guilty expressions, of course. CSIRO is using automated expression recognition technology to tell whether someone is in pain and, according to computer ...
Differences between a leader and a manager
There should be no differences between a leader and a manager. The two 'titles' should coexist with one another, but often times a manager lacks leadership abilities. In order to be ...
AUS must not miss out on biosequestration opportunity
The opportunity for Australia to remove 150 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year from the atmosphere will be lost if the Government does not include agricultural and biological ...
Low emission energy has power to save billions
Wide-scale adoption of low-emission distributed energy could reduce the cost of transitioning to a low-carbon future by as much a $130 billion by 2050, according to a new report ...
Building company fined over lack of fall protection
A building company has been fined $6500 for failing to provide edge protection on a building site after a sub-contractor fell 2.4 metres through an unprotected stairwell void.
Processing company fined $60,000 over death of worker
A Geraldton lobster processing company has been fined $60,000 for failing to provide a work environment free from hazards after an employee died as a result of a workplace fall in ...
Jargon in business publications alienates customers
Using business jargon is common amongst colleagues in specific industries, but the acronyms, language and lingo spoken in these circles is typically not so well known outside the ...
Changes to GST formula biggest threat to NSW budget
The 2009-10 half-yearly Budget review released recently by NSW Treasurer Eric Roozendaal provided further confirmation that the NSW economy was strengthening, said NSW Business ...
Boosting AUS productivity through education and training
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Australia's largest and most representative business organisation, has set out the case for boosting Australia's productivity ...
How to successfully build a great management team
A company is not a democracy – it's better. In a democracy, the majority wins. In a good management team, all positive input wins, and all negative input is dismissed. Achieving that ...
Crisis did not cut hours during the economic downturn
During the global financial crisis workers who stayed in their jobs did not reduce their working hours, despite widespread government and commentator claims that cuts in hours had ...
From Rio to Freo: Are we going nuts for Brazil?
Is it now officially the ‘age’ of Brazil, with the charismatic and populous South American nation picking up the rights to host both the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and of course the ...
Technology to track farmers' greenhouse emissions
Despite being exempt from the emissions trading scheme, farmers are still being encouraged to be good corporate citizens and a new tool developed at Queensland University of Technology ...
Less than a month left to take advantage of 50% tax break
NSW Business Chamber is reminding NSW’s small business owners that they have less than a month left to take advantage of the Federal Government’s 50 percent small business tax break ...
Australia not 'out on its own' on climate change legislation
New climate change legislation will not leave Australia 'out on its own', a review of similar regulation around Asia has revealed.
Fair Work AUS’s minimum wage panel appointed
The Minister for Workplace Relations, Julia Gillard, has announced the three specialist members of Fair Work Australia's Minimum Wage Panel.
Manufacturing growth remains modest but currency bites
Manufacturing activity grew for the fourth consecutive month in November with the latest Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing ...
Recycling initiative for old batteries launched in Perth
Old household batteries (dry-cell) can be dropped off at any one of over 150 new battery recycling bins around Perth.
SA makes plans to clean-up in the clean up business
South Australia has all the skills, resources and institutional framework required to create a new national export industry servicing the land and water clean-up needs of site ...
Investment boost to AUS-IND science collaborations
The Australian Government will make a major new investment in building scientific links with India, with support for research efforts targeted at the challenges both countries face ...
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