Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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Solar cell turns windows into generators
Imagine a world where the windows of high-rise office buildings are powerful energy producers, offering its inhabitants much more than some fresh air, light and a view.
Global emissions surge back after GFC
A recent spike in worldwide carbon emissions growth was caused by the rebound from the global financial crisis (GFC) and is likely to be a one-off, according to a new study from The ...
Australian multinationals battle brain drain
Australian-born multinationals are investing more in holding onto their key people than foreign-owned firms in an effort to fight the brain drain, according to a new study.
Apprentice electricians underpaid and undervalued: research
Despite Australia's critical shortage of skilled workers, many trade apprentices are living on a wage that falls below the poverty line and is barely higher than the unemployment ...
Australian innovators in solar world first
In a boon for the local solar industry, a team of researchers from Swinburne University of Technology and Suntech Power Holdings have developed the world's most efficient broadband ...
China at the heart of Alcoa's woes: expert claims
Writing in The Conversation, Swinburne Professor of Engineering Mathematics Geoff Brooks claims the metallurgical industry is under real threat, not from angry environmentalists, ...
New roofing materials cut carbon footprint
Roofing materials that double as solar panels and can also moderate the temperature of buildings are among the next-generation building products being developed at UNSW.
Future advanced steels for the automotive industry
Motorists of the future can look forward to safer vehicles which leave a smaller carbon footprint thanks to pioneering research being carried out in UOW’s Faculty of Engineering.
Organisations push for common M2M Service Layer standard
Bodies recognise need for cooperative standards development to ensure connectivity between myriad of M2M devices in the field.
Business investment in new technologies improve performance
The latest Australian Industry Group/Deloitte National CEO report, Business Investment in New Technologies, examines business investment in new technologies over the past three years. ...
Scorpions inspire scientists to make tougher machinery
Wear and tear on moving machinery parts requires regular maintenance and comes at a considerable cost. However new US research is taking lessons from one of nature's born survivors ...
Vehicle fuel efficiency - where have all the savings gone?
Carmakers have made great strides in fuel efficiency in recent decades — but the mileage numbers of individual vehicles have barely increased. An MIT economist from the US explains ...
Which industries will fly and fall in 2012?
As Australian operators prepare for the year ahead, business information research firm IBISWorld reveals its annual list nominating the top industries set to soar in 2012, and those ...
Research drives solutions to improve unsealed roads
A Kansas State University graduate student sees the unpaved road ahead, and it's filled with biomaterial.
Engineers make "building blocks" of chemical industry from wood
Chemical engineers at the University of Massachusetts in the US are using a catalytic fast pyrolysis process that transforms renewable non-food biomass into petrochemicals.
Graphene rips follow path of least resistance
Rice University simulations show carbon sheets tear along energetically favorable lines.
QUT research to help safer emergency aircraft landings
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) aviation researchers are developing an information system to help Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) make safer emergency landings and better ...
Farms could yield jet fuel of the future
Ever since the Wright brothers, the aviation industry has been looking for ways to fly further faster. Now with the help of the US Department of Energy (DOE), Virent, and DOE's ...
Ford targets 30% less water consumption in manufacturing
New aggressive water strategy calls for global reduction target of 30 percent per vehicle by 2015.
What's hot: the top 10 technology events of 2011
Here is a look at the events that made a difference to the technology world in the year 2011.
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