Test & Measurement Feature Articles

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How to deal with unproductive staff
Dealing with an unproductive staff can be a challenge for even the most experienced leader. There could be many reasons that are feeding the productivity problem, and once the issue ...
ISO improves safety standard for electric road vehicle
ISO has just published an updated, improved edition of an International Standard providing safety specifications for electrically propelled road vehicles.
“Go Home On Time Day” represents 1950s mentality
NSW’s largest business organisation, NSW Business Chamber, said attempts to regiment Australian workers back into a strict 9-5pm working day focused on hours worked rather than on ...
CPRS deal: Small business left exposed
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Australia’s largest and most representative business organisation, has called on the Australian Government and Federal Opposition ...
The Great Escape – how AUS exporters thrived in the GFC
This year – the year of the global financial crisis (GFC) – was meant to be the year of trade Armageddon.
WorkSafe campaign looks at safety of fish wholesalers
WorkSafe has commenced an inspection campaign to look at safety standards in fish wholesaling workplaces.
Wake up call – The chain of responsibility
The trucking industry of Australia (led by the Australian Trucking Association and its member organisations), seeks to engage the support of all participants in the supply chain to ...
Three primary threats to fresh food safety
A recent report from the Coca Cola Retail Research Council summarises extensive research on fresh food and fresh food safety in Asia.
Multi-criteria analysis software with national map layers
Tough management decisions about Australia’s natural resource management will be made easier with the release of an innovative toolkit by the Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS).
Emerging markets: Mixed results as world trade recovers
This month's issue of the Export Finance & Insurance Corporation (EFIC) newsletter, World Risk Developments, looks at a series of both positive and negative developments for investors ...
Highlighting AUS water management skills to the US
A water delegation of prominent officials from the United States and Mexico has been assembled by the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), to showcase Australian expertise in ...
Good managers form the key to better business
An international survey of Australian manufacturing companies confirms that good managers are the key to successful businesses and highlights where Australian managers need to improve. ...
$20.6 million in climate ready grants to support 324 jobs
The Climate Ready Program offers matching grants from $50,000 to $5 million to support research and development, proof-of-concept and early-stage commercialisation activities to ...
Benefitting from innovative IP service opportunities
Darwin-based innovators now have access to a secure intellectual property (IP) lodgement service thanks to a new initiative by Federal Government agency IP Australia and Australia ...
Updated reforms to the Franchising Code of Conduct
The Government will enhance the investigative powers of the ACCC by amending the Trade Practices Act to allow the ACCC to conduct random audits under the Franchising Code and other ...
Workplace controls to prevent nanomaterial exposure
Chair of the Safe Work Australia Council, Mr Tom Phillips AM, has announced the release of two research reports on engineered nanomaterials.
Standards Australia’s new business model refined
Following recent, extensive stakeholder consultation, a revised approach to Standards Australia’s way of operating has been developed in conjunction with, and supported by, the ...
Incentive travel sector benefit with Dreamtime 2009
Tourism Australia has kicked-off Dreamtime 2009, its Australian incentive travel showcase designed to keep Australia’s sellers on the radar of influential buyers from around the ...
Safety warning for workers in purging gas installations
WorkCover NSW has issued a reminder to operators who work with gas supply lines and gas installations to use adequate safety precautions.
Fighting to entice skilled workforce during downturn
The Australian Industry Group/Deloitte CEO survey, Skilling Business in Tough Times, has highlighted the strong pressures on employment and training during the downturn and the ...
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