Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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How to manage older workers
Almost all organisations have a group of older workers who are moving towards retirement.
Next wave of the mining boom has begun
Another wave of the mining investment boom has begun and will drive mining and processing construction to record heights over the next four years, according to a new report from ...
Fine mix fuels hydrogen cell
Curtin University of Technology researchers are a step closer to helping produce cleaner, greener cars using hydrogen fuel cell technology.
Reef damage investigated
A research vessel will carry a team of marine scientists led by the Australian Institute of Marine Science, to begin the first thorough investigation of damage to the Great Barrier ...
Big bites improve weight loss
It is not just what we are eating, but how we are eating that makes the difference, Canterbury researchers have found.
New 'green' technologies make die castings stronger
Conventional die castings can be made stronger using new, more environmentally friendly technologies developed by CSIRO.
Burner cuts mining emissions
A new methane burner, developed at the University of Sydney and under consideration by mining companies, has potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from underground coal mines ...
Techniques to help you meet deadlines at work
Meeting deadlines is an important attribute in an employee. If you have difficulty managing your workload, it would be good to employ some techniques to help you meet deadlines at ...
High earners less generous
Australians like to pride themselves on giving money to those in need, but what motivates us to part with our hard-earned to help others?
Diamonds emit blinking light
A team of researchers, led by Macquarie University Associate Professor James Rabeau, have discovered that the properties of light emitted from tiny isolated nano-diamonds are completely ...
New fuel could solve fusion
Imagine if you could generate electricity using nuclear power that emitted no radioactivity: it would be the answer to the world's dream of finding a clean, sustainable energy source. ...
Detergents may form harmful substance in waste water
Scientists are reporting evidence that certain ingredients in shampoo, detergents and other household cleaning agents may be a source of precursor materials for formation of a ...
Grid could make offshore wind power more reliable
The energy needs of the entire human population could potentially be met by converting wind energy to electricity.
Lamb's carbon footprint found
The first major study to look at the carbon footprint of lamb shows that each 100 gram portion of New Zealand lamb exported to Europe creates 1.9kg of CO2 equivalents and that 80 ...
The rate rise will put pressure on business
The Reserve Bank's decision to increase interest rates is genuinely controversial.
Email invasion causes stress
The much-touted "work/life balance" has been found to be riddled with paradox with new research showing work-related email invading workers' homes and leisure spaces, causing stress, ...
CEOs step up to take direct action on women in top jobs
Members of the Business Council of Australia will be at the forefront of boosting the numbers of female CEOs and CFOs in the ASX top 200 under an initiative launched at the BCA’s ...
Chem discovery may revolutionise cooking oil production
A Queen's University chemistry professor has invented a special solvent that may make cooking oil production more environmentally friendly.
CSIRO developing smarter drilling technologies
A range of articles detailing how CSIRO researchers are working to improve understanding of drilling mechanics and dynamics have been published in the March/April edition of CSIRO ...
Rising acid threatens oceans
The rise in human emissions of carbon dioxide is driving fundamental and dangerous changes in the chemistry and ecosystems of the world's oceans, international marine scientists have ...
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