Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Food staples lack nutrients
Rice, one of the most widely consumed cereal grains in developing countries, provides up to 80 per cent of total caloric intake in areas such as South-East Asia yet the polished ...
Fruit waste yields nutrients
During the production of pre-packaged fruit and juices, portions such as the skin are often unused. Some fruit by-products are currently used in animal feed, but most often it is ...
Bold leadership on tax will realise our potential
The Henry review into Australia's Future Tax System makes an historic and significant contribution to the economic reform debate in Australia.
Fishing needs ecosystem focus
A new, less selective approach to commercial fishing is needed to ensure the ongoing productivity of marine ecosystems and to maintain biodiversity, according to a paper in the ...
Understanding business etiquette in international trade
With significant geographic, language and cultural barriers, nations that are typically considered "Western," (Western Europe and its former empire), are divided from cultures that ...
Managers report feeling isolated
As the economy recovers with its corresponding effect on workloads, a Deakin University academic has urged companies to make sure their middle managers have time for their friends.
AUS's transport network delivers the goods
If it is mined, manufactured, grown or imported into Australia, chances are it will join the vast volume of goods moving around this country courtesy of the integrated logistics ...
Genes key to lamb survival
University of Adelaide researchers believe that genetics, together with better ewe nutrition and shelter, could hold the key to improving lamb survival rates in Australia.
Businesses need sustainability
Australian businesses will need to engage in sustainability reporting in the future to remain competitive, according to a new report.
International business: Doing business in CHN
In the past, the key to cracking open business opportunities in China has been working with the protectionist Communist government that has often had anti-import tendencies disfavouring ...
How to manage older workers
Almost all organisations have a group of older workers who are moving towards retirement.
Big bites improve weight loss
It is not just what we are eating, but how we are eating that makes the difference, Canterbury researchers have found.
Foot and mouth disease simulation in Melb
Australia's ability to mount an effective response to a foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak will be tested during the three-day International FMD Symposium and Workshop (FMD2010) ...
Techniques to help you meet deadlines at work
Meeting deadlines is an important attribute in an employee. If you have difficulty managing your workload, it would be good to employ some techniques to help you meet deadlines at ...
High earners less generous
Australians like to pride themselves on giving money to those in need, but what motivates us to part with our hard-earned to help others?
New CSIRO soybean a hit in Japan
A new soybean variety from CSIRO is gaining popularity in Japan due to its enhanced suitability as an ingredient in traditional Japanese dishes.
ARS scientists develop self-pollinating almond trees
Self-pollinating almond trees that can produce a bountiful harvest without insect pollination are being developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.
Lamb's carbon footprint found
The first major study to look at the carbon footprint of lamb shows that each 100 gram portion of New Zealand lamb exported to Europe creates 1.9kg of CO2 equivalents and that 80 ...
Email invasion causes stress
The much-touted "work/life balance" has been found to be riddled with paradox with new research showing work-related email invading workers' homes and leisure spaces, causing stress, ...
Barcode application tracks allergies
Allergy sufferers could soon be able to use their iPhone to scan a food's barcode at the supermarket to determine whether it's safe to eat.
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