Metalworking & Machining Feature Articles

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New free trade agreement between Australia and Chile
Australia has signed a new free trade agreement (FTA) with the South American nation of Chile. The pact with Chile is the first FTA under the new Rudd Labor Government. Source: Tim ...
CSIRO's new wireless technology to help people in emergencies
CSIRO is developing new wireless technologies for locating, tracking, sensing and communicating in areas where global positioning systems (GPS) do not work.
Next big leap in overall business performance - EV management
Much comment has been made about the problems faced by companies in manufacturing and industry. These problems are real and growing, leading to manufacturers going overseas or sourcing ...
Symposium looks at opportunities from the information explosion
A symposium has been organised by CSIRO and the Statistical Society of Australia will explore how technology is generating masses of information and creating exciting home-grown ...
Swan's false economy: ABS scrapping job vacancy data
NSW Business Chamber has expressed its dismay at the decision of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to eliminate information on national job vacancies due to Budget cuts ...
WTO Doha Round - Global business, manufacturers' statement
The Doha Round of WTO multilateral trade negotiations are now at a crucial point. We, the undersigned organisations, still strongly believe that, properly constructed, the Doha Round ...
Summary of Aust resource boom in two words:India and China
The economic expansion of these two emerging economic superpowers in Asia has fuelled demand for Australia’s vast resources sector and the services we build around our key commodities. ...
Infrastructure Strategy must secure NSW’s economic future
NSW’s largest business group, NSW Business Chamber has said that the delivery of the State Infrastructure Strategy on time and on budget represents the most significant management ...
Airport Economist helps Aust exporters conquer global markets
Did you know that Australia is helping Singapore 'be creative' to address its imbalance of ballet dancers to engineers; or that there is a Transylvanian Cricket Club full of Aussies ...
Socceroos World Cup games to help Middle East, Aust business
Football Federation Australia (FFA) and the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) will help link Australian companies to the rapidly growing business potential of the Gulf region ...
Aust manufacturing activity remains subdued for fifth month
Manufacturing activity remained subdued in May for the fifth consecutive month with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing ...
NSW Workplace Safety: Stein Report blocked by govt
The NSW Government has refused NSW Business Chamber’s Freedom of Information request to see the Stein Report into workplace safety.
PM can speak Mandarin - it's great for future business in China
You learn a lot from your children. And they tend to tell the truth so you know where you stand. Source: Tim Harcourt.
Fed Budget described as on task, disciplined, ambitious by AIG
"The Rudd Government's first budget is well and truly on task. It has taken a hard-nosed approach to spending to address inflation and it makes ambitious investments in nation-building," ...
NSW Business Chamber responds to the latest Fed Budget
The first Swan Budget must be assessed against its ability to put downward pressure on inflation, lift economic capacity through investments in skills and infrastructure and demonstrate ...
Fed govt needs budget to lift inflation, underwrite future growth
“The Federal Government’s first Budget marks the moment when the rubber hits the road. The Budget will need to do some heavy lifting on inflation while at the same time putting in ...
It is official - China is now Aust's number one trading partner
In new data just released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), we can now confirm that China is now Australia’s number one trading partner – taking over from Japan in 2007. ...
Austr PMI®: Manufacturing experiences moderate growth in April
Manufacturing experienced subdued growth in activity for the fourth consecutive month in April, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of ...
Telstra, Austrade join forces to help boost SMEs
Australia’s small to medium-sized exporters will be offered the chance to tap into China’s booming economy during the Beijing Olympics through a joint initiative between Telstra and ...
Science, Engineering and Innovation Council holds first meeting
The Prime Minister has affirmed the Government's commitment to science and innovation by chairing the first meeting of the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council ...
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