Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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Is the US/China trade war good for Australian business?
The escalating trade war between the United States and China, the world’s two largest economies, is already having an impact on smaller economies all over the world.
Shaping the future of smart mobility
Innovations in the transport sector continue to introduce new opportunities to enhance travel experiences in our cities.
Safe Work warns industry about toxic gas risk in container unpacking
Safe Work Australia conducted an extensive study of import containers and confirmed up to 20% of Import Containers contain toxic gases exceeding health & safety limits.
What your workers should know before unpacking containers
Workers who unpack imported shipping containers are exposed to a health risks including difficulty breathing, collapse and require hospitalisation.
BEUMER completes automated baggage handling system
BEUMER Group UK has completed the installation of a new CrisBag® Early Bag Store (EBS) and baggage handling system as part of Gatwick Airport's £186 million redevelopment of the ...
How to create an energy efficient factory
There are some obvious, and some not so obvious, issues that affect your factory’s efficiency.
Making the switch to mobile truck and bus hoists may save you money
Airdraulics has been supplying Hetra wireless columns to the Australian market for the past six years and has helped 100's of companies by enabling versatility and cost savings.
How to deal with conflict on the factory floor
What causes workplace conflict? Well, in its broadest sense, human nature.
Ai Group leads high-level Industry 4.0 apprenticeship initiative
"Ai Group is embarking on a major collaborative project that could reinvent apprenticeships in Australia."
6 Great Podcasts for Manufacturing Professionals
If you’re not up to speed with podcasts, they’re a great way to stay up to speed with anything and everything while, well, operating at speed.
Manufacturing people power: full time or labour hire?
With eCommerce and an ever-growing market of impatient customers expecting everything yesterday, manufacturing has never faced more challenges.
Training Supervisors to Improve Health and Wellbeing of Employees
Mental and stress related disorders such as depression, anxiety and burnout account for a large percentage of all work-related health problems.
Does Brexit have any fibre?
What exactly is this British breakfast cereal that's got everyone in a tizz?
Road stabilising aid relieves maintenance backlog for local government
Research into the condition of unsealed roads in Australia shows 19% are in poor to very poor condition. In-situ stabilisation with PolyCom offers immediate relief from the road ...
Common injuries caused by technology and how to avoid them
Technology; it’s stopped being surprising for its sheer ability to be what we never imagined it could be.
Women considered better industry workers. Or not?
Women and industry workplace settings aren’t a common picture that comes to mind.
Be prepared - wage rate changes effective 1 July 2016
A new National Minimum Wage comes into effect from the first pay period on or after tomorrow, July 1.
Manufacturers plan for more investment and new jobs
Australia's manufacturers remain upbeat thanks to an uptick in home building activity and the lower Australian dollar, although the surge in confidence of late last year is abating, ...
$41,200 penalty for transport company over underpayment of drivers
The Federal Circuit Court has penalised the former operator of a transport company which underpaid 12 of its casual drivers more than $143,000.
Reinventing Company Culture to Increase Employee Engagement and Safety
Company culture, an elusive and often overlooked and undervalued concept.
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