Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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Compost raises orange yield
A South Australian Research and Development Institute study has demonstrated yield increases in navel and Valencia orange orchards of 17 to 63 per cent after the application of soil ...
CCS technology targets zero carbon emissions planet
A Curtin University postdoctoral fellow has won an international prize for his research into CO2 geo-sequestration, a process involving injecting carbon dioxide underground, which ...
Early days for Australian synthetic fuels
Synthetic fuels made from gas could be made for about half the current price of a barrel of oil - but it's early days yet for the new technology in Australia.
Coal mining supply sector facing super slump
The mining industry has been vocal in its opposition to the proposed carbon tax, but its suppliers across the board will be hit just as hard if the government has its way.
Manufacturers warned not to overlook environmental obligations
As public awareness of environmental issues has grown, so too has the responsibility for companies to effectively manage chemical spills. Not only can mismanagement result in fines ...
Synthetic biology comes of age as answer to industrial problems
Synthetic biology, while still a relatively new field, is already well advanced to deliver solutions to common industrial waste and energy challenges.
Renewable power source research a boost for transportation sector
Work at Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation (ANSTO) could hold the key to driving the electric cars of tomorrow further and making Australia’s transportation industry ...
Effective biodiesel production needs time: scientists
Biodiesel is still very much in the experimental stage according to a group of Queensland scientists, who say time is needed to make the fuel substitute a widespread and effective ...
Tequila plant could fuel vehicles and help reduce emissions
Large scale farms of the agave plant used to make the drink tequila could be established in Australia's arid inland as a novel and greenhouse-friendly solution to our transport fuel ...
Innovation report card gives Australia thumbs up
Innovative Australians are improving the things they make and the way they make them, ensuring a fairer, richer, healthier and greener future.
Bacteria cleans toxic water
UNSW researchers have shown that they can safely destroy hazardous industrial toxins in groundwater arising from PVC plastic production by injecting naturally occurring bacteria into ...
Transport sector talks tough on carbon tax
The carbon tax is on everyone’s lips, not least in the transport sector which looks set to be one of the hardest hit by its introduction.
Potential boost for solar installations as solar cell prices fall
Price declines for top-tier branded solar cells may provide an unexpected stimulus for solar installations in 2012, or not, depending on which analyst you believe.
Oil and gas, sugar, & organic farming set for bumper 2011-12
With a new financial year upon us, <em>IndustrySearch</em> takes a look at the likely winners and losers across the industrial landscape in the coming 12 months.
Silicon doubles solar power
A world record double by UNSW solar cell researchers promises to make solar power more affordable, with world-beating new technology delivering substantial efficiency gains at minimal ...
Investment, not consumers, to drive change
There's a lot of talk about putting a price on carbon, but also a lot of confusion about how it's supposed to change anything.
Now, businesses can begin planning
Some industries hate it, others love it, but at least the details of carbon pricing are out now.
Scientists invent heat-regulating building material
A new material that can retain and release heat according to specific temperature requirements could make a significant difference to the cost of heating and cooling buildings, ...
Beating corrosion in industrial water systems
Maintenance must be more than an afterthought, particularly when it comes to your industrial water system.
Using nitrogen ‘cleanly’
The world can produce enough food and cut greenhouse gas emissions if it learns to use nitrogen more efficiently in agriculture, a world-leading Queensland University of Technology ...
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