Packaging & Labelling Machinery Feature Articles

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NSW Workplace Safety: Stein Report blocked by govt
The NSW Government has refused NSW Business Chamber’s Freedom of Information request to see the Stein Report into workplace safety.
PM can speak Mandarin - it's great for future business in China
You learn a lot from your children. And they tend to tell the truth so you know where you stand. Source: Tim Harcourt.
Fed Budget described as on task, disciplined, ambitious by AIG
"The Rudd Government's first budget is well and truly on task. It has taken a hard-nosed approach to spending to address inflation and it makes ambitious investments in nation-building," ...
NSW Business Chamber responds to the latest Fed Budget
The first Swan Budget must be assessed against its ability to put downward pressure on inflation, lift economic capacity through investments in skills and infrastructure and demonstrate ...
Fed govt needs budget to lift inflation, underwrite future growth
“The Federal Government’s first Budget marks the moment when the rubber hits the road. The Budget will need to do some heavy lifting on inflation while at the same time putting in ...
It is official - China is now Aust's number one trading partner
In new data just released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), we can now confirm that China is now Australia’s number one trading partner – taking over from Japan in 2007. ...
Austr PMI®: Manufacturing experiences moderate growth in April
Manufacturing experienced subdued growth in activity for the fourth consecutive month in April, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of ...
Telstra, Austrade join forces to help boost SMEs
Australia’s small to medium-sized exporters will be offered the chance to tap into China’s booming economy during the Beijing Olympics through a joint initiative between Telstra and ...
UK, Aust issue joint progress plan on trade, business ideas
Prime Ministers Gordon Brown and Kevin Rudd met in London recently at an important time in UK-Australia relations.
Minister launches new Olympic Business Programme in China
During a visit to China to strengthen bilateral trade and investment links, the Minister for Trade the Hon Simon Crean MP has launched Australia’s official business programme for ...
Time to lift our game and set new national targets, ambitions
A measure of the success of the 2020 Summit will be whether it identifies ways we can lift our game as a nation by setting new national targets and ambitions,” Australian Industry ...
A tribute to manufacturing legend John Button
John Norman Button, the man who did more than anyone else to make Australian manufacturing competitive died earlier this week. Source: Tim Harcourt.
Economic blueprint for Central Coast infrastructure released
NSW Business Chamber Central Coast in partnership with 10,000 Friends of Greater Sydney has released a blueprint on the long-term future of the Central Coast.
Australian PMI: Manufacturing activity in Aust still very subdued
Manufacturing activity remained subdued in March with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) falling ...
Securing the Future of Aust Manufacturing -Minister's speech
Let me start by laying my cards on the table. Do I support manufacturing? You bet I do.
WorkSafe reminder about licences needed for high risk work
WorkSafe has issued a reminder to workers engaged in high risk work that they need to obtain a licence to perform that work.
Aust Industry Group says stakes are high for Federal budget
"Much is at stake in the success of the May Federal Budget for business, the economy and the community as a whole," Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) Chief Executive Heather Ridout ...
Business welcomes government commitment to reform of GST
NSW’S largest business group NSW Business Chamber has welcomed an increase in GST funding for NSW in 2008/09.
Govt has reviewed Australia's export policies and programs
Simon Crean has announced a comprehensive review of Australia's export policies and programs.
New AI Group report reveals sobering outlook for GDP growth
New research released by the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) estimates that Australia’s annual rate of growth over the next ten years is set to struggle to reach 3 percent.
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