Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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New fuel could solve fusion
Imagine if you could generate electricity using nuclear power that emitted no radioactivity: it would be the answer to the world's dream of finding a clean, sustainable energy source. ...
Car control research opens door to new safety features
Researchers from North Carolina State University have created a computer program that allows a car to stay in its lane without human control, opening the door to the development of ...
Email invasion causes stress
The much-touted "work/life balance" has been found to be riddled with paradox with new research showing work-related email invading workers' homes and leisure spaces, causing stress, ...
Barcode application tracks allergies
Allergy sufferers could soon be able to use their iPhone to scan a food's barcode at the supermarket to determine whether it's safe to eat.
CEOs step up to take direct action on women in top jobs
Members of the Business Council of Australia will be at the forefront of boosting the numbers of female CEOs and CFOs in the ASX top 200 under an initiative launched at the BCA’s ...
Chem discovery may revolutionise cooking oil production
A Queen's University chemistry professor has invented a special solvent that may make cooking oil production more environmentally friendly.
CSIRO developing smarter drilling technologies
A range of articles detailing how CSIRO researchers are working to improve understanding of drilling mechanics and dynamics have been published in the March/April edition of CSIRO ...
Rising acid threatens oceans
The rise in human emissions of carbon dioxide is driving fundamental and dangerous changes in the chemistry and ecosystems of the world's oceans, international marine scientists have ...
Cars unsafe for pedestrians
More than two thirds of cars sold in Australia do not pass international standards for pedestrian safety, according to the country's leading road crash organisation based at the ...
Underwater waves begin deep
In an Australian first, researchers have observed the generation of internal waves flowing hundreds of metres beneath the ocean surface on the North West Shelf.
Roadblocks on the path to GM superfoods
GM foods engineered to contain high levels of nutrients could be a neat solution to micronutrient deficiencies in poor countries, but there are many scientific, social and political ...
Waste disposal services to capitalise on new technology
A hole in the ground is no longer seen as a fitting or final resting place for Australia’s rubbish. Recycling, reuse and production of energy from waste is increasing. For the $8.9 ...
Rio expands its iron ore base in the Pilbara
Rio Tinto has increased its iron ore footprint in Western Australia after the company late last month started producing from the US$901 million Mesa A / Warramboo mine in the Pilbara ...
Employers urge limits on unfunded award wage rises
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) will support conditional increases of between $10.50 and $12.50 per week to award wages in the Annual Minimum Wage Review.
Recycled AC cuts emissions
New Curtin University of Technology research has shown that it may be possible for business to save the environment and money at the same time by remanufacturing compressors for ...
Ruptured pump prompts safety alert
The Queensland Mines Inspectorate has been forced to issue a safety alert after a high pressure emulsion line on a hydraulic longwall pump sled ruptured, causing a longwall coal mine ...
Rio Tinto looks to mining in the future
Rio Tinto has announced plans to expand its Mine of the Future program in Western Australia, which will see the company develop new equipment and systems for deep underground mines. ...
ACCI research promotes higher apprenticeship retention
Australia needs to stem the flow of apprentices not completing their apprenticeships if we are to meet future skills needs, according to research currently being conducted by the ...
Get smart: To smart grid, or not to smart grid?
Our shift towards more diverse energy sources, such as wind and solar, creates new challenges for the supply of power to our workplaces and homes - especially when you consider that ...
Forest logging creates fire traps: academic
Decades of industrial logging in Australia's wet forests have made them more fire prone, raising urgent fire management issues, according to an ANU academic.
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