IT Software & Applications Feature Articles

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Large Organisations revise IT spending forecasts to 2.8% Growth
Organisations with more than $1 billion in revenue have reforecast their IT spending increase for 2007 to 2.8 percent, according to a new Gartner Consulting Worldwide IT Benchmark ...
Many manufacturers implement RFID for process improvement
New research reveals details of tremendous variety of process changes being made by manufacturers using RFID.
Taming problems of ever increasing business information overload
Information demand for businesses today is growing to overwhelming proportions – both in responding to requests for information, and in managing their own existing information stores. ...
Research shows the potential of the local Australian ICT industry
Smaller companies in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry want entrepreneurial training, access to marketing intelligence and the opportunity to collaborate ...
Safety concerns over nanotechnology need closer investigation
Nanotechnology promises to revolutionise everything from medicine to engineering, indicating that thinking big may soon involve thinking small. To realise this promise, the government, ...
Opportunities for Aussie exporters as Taiwan giants turn green
Austrade has identified growing demand for more energy efficient and ‘green’ technologies from Taiwan is creating export opportunities for Australian businesses with relevant ...
Worldwide RFID spending to surpass $3 Billion in 2010
The adoption of RFID continues to gather momentum, and hardware and software spending will accelerate in late 2006 and 2007 as true benefits are documented, according to Gartner, ...
The current state of RFID in New Zealand and Australia
The global use of RFID is increasing very rapidly from a US$2.7 billion business in 2006 to over $26 billion in 2016. As an enabling technology, it is already being widely used, ...
Satellite data predicts bleak year ahead for WA farmers
Pasture growth rates across the south-west of Western Australia are expected to be around 60 per cent down on what they were last year and could be the worst in nearly 100 years, ...
Research on target as Monash loads its e-research quiver
Researchers worldwide now have a faster and simpler way of accessing the vast repositories of data that underpin their studies, following a new federal government grant of $8.9 ...
Underground communications system improves mine safety
In the interests of mine safety and productivity, it is vital that operators are continuously aware of underground conditions and risk profiles.
Businesses urged to protect intellectual property in China
With China predicted to become Australia’s biggest export market up from its current number two spot, Austrade said businesses must view protecting Intellectual Property (IP) as a ...
Mini sensors to help in the fight against corrosion
Tiny and often tucked away in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, a novel array of sensors is poised to change the costly and resource-intensive process of fighting corrosion in ...
Turning noise into dollars
Australian scientists are helping to build a profitable new industry which turns 'noise' into money.
Future computer chips likely to be cooled with nanofluid
"This is the next generation of cooling devices," Dr. Hongbin Ma tells With a group of students at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and colleagues at Argonne National ...
Queensland increases large-scale manufacturing
Continuous improvement is imperative in manufacturing. Companies that fail to innovate can quickly perish in the face of an ever-changing marketplace. Queensland Manufacturing ...
Australian manufacturing – competing in a global market
Heather Ridout: "It costs $A45,000 to employ a process worker in Australia; it costs $A4,500 to employ the same worker in China."
Lean manufacturing increases in popularity
In an effort to become more profitable and improve quality and customer satisfaction, many companies are turning to a manufacturing strategy based on high production throughput, high ...
Productivity Growth in Australian Manufacturing
There has been an ongoing debate in economic circles regarding the influence of technological change on economic growth. Thus recent studies have looked at a range of factors ...
Casting process modeling software for windows opens door for diecasters
In today's competitive marketplace, companies are seeking ways to shave off costs in every aspect of the production process. Simulation tools have become one solution to which ...
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