Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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Researchers rapidly ID bacterial culprits
A new research laboratory will allow for faster and cheaper identification of microorganisms, not just beneficial to the health sector, but in industrial, food and agricultural ...
NZ at forefront of global electric vehicle technology
In by far the most significant technology transfer deal ever achieved by a New Zealand university, car travel worldwide is set to be transformed by revolutionary technology developed ...
Unique irrigation system wins Dyson award
Swinburne University of Technology industrial design graduate Ed Linacre has won the 2011 James Dyson Award, the leading international student design award for his Airdrop irrigation ...
Clean-up tool for our commonest contaminants
Australia has taken a key step towards improving measures of human health risk with the release of new guidelines targeting one of our commonest sources of industrial contamination. ...
LED performance efficiency promises energy savings
Researchers have used zinc oxide microwires to significantly improve the efficiency at which gallium nitride light-emitting diodes (LED) convert electricity to ultraviolet light.
Technology makes storing radioactive waste safer
A solution to the problem of how to clean up radioactive waste-contaminated water has taken a leap forward, thanks to new research from Queensland scientists.
New battlefront opens up in gas debate
The battle to protect Australia's terrestrial environment from feared effects of coal seam gas (CSG) mining is at fever pitch.
Boeing advances carbon fibre recycling
In desert "aircraft graveyards", where retired planes often go when flight service ends, good parts are removed and sold and many materials are recycled.
Still waters run deep for bottled water manufacturers
Planet Ark’s national recycling week (7 to 13 November) is just around the corner and it is bringing Australia’s environmental issues into the spotlight.
High efficiency aircon system to go global
An Australian air-conditioning system that can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial and industrial buildings by up to 85 per cent will soon be given ...
Tyre recycling breakthrough nears commercial launch
A new recycling process could be the answer to alleviating the environmental burden of old tyres.
Wiping out pests without wiping out vineyards
In an international breakthrough for pest control, Australia scientists have developed a new way to wipe out invading pests of tree crops or vines – without having to destroy the ...
Carbon tax: a big advance or hip-pocket hit?
Will carbon pricing prove a revolutionary advance, like the move from horses to cars? Or will it just burden us with a damaging tax on everything?
Magic weed cleans up toxic chrome
Using a noxious weed to clean up a toxic metal can rid the environment of two harmful substances, protecting people, water life, soil health and food crops, a new study has found.
Asia's e-waste pollution may spread worldwide
Thousands of tonnes of toxic e-waste are entering the world’s atmosphere, oceans, fresh waters, soils and foodstuffs every year. This is now spreading round the planet, including ...
Aluminium industry outlook mixed: AAC
Australia is a leader in the production of bauxite, alumina and aluminium, and growth potential exists, just as long as the policy environment does not reduce the attractiveness of ...
Carbon and tax are two different issues: ACCI
While the words "Carbon" and "Tax" seem inextricably linked in political debate they are separate issues and should be viewed as such, a group of Melbourne’s leading industry CEOs ...
Emerging chemicals pose environmental concerns
There is growing scientific concern over the combined impact of novel toxic chemicals on the environment worldwide, according to leading international scientists.
Business creatively meeting the sustainability challenge
The question of sustainability is often seen to be at odds with industry and sound economic management – but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.
Breakthrough in protecting global crops from disease
A new form of resistance to fungal disease has been discovered in oilseed rape, one of the world’s most important crops, which could hold the key to developing disease resistant ...
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