Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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New wave of charges has logistics firms up in arms
Feature of the week: Logistics and haulage firms are up in arms over a new wave of registration and fuel charges to be introduced across the country from 1 July, 2010.
Port operators: A ship-shape industry reshapes
Over 27,000 ships visited Australian ports in 2007-08. As the point of entry and exit of over $300 billion in goods, or 70% of all imports and 80% of exports by value, Australia's ...
Waste management for Australian businesses
Feature of the week: Every year Australian businesses purchase millions of computers, printers and televisions, and throw out their old ones.
Foam breaker cleans waterways
Australian scientists have developed a groundbreaking treatment to clean up the highly toxic and persistent foam chemicals used worldwide to fight thousands of fires.
Could compost replace synthetic fertilisers?
Feature of the week: Farmers are being urged to change their use of chemically produced fertilisers for food production, and utilise an alternative plant food such as compost, to ...
 Access to finance a major barrier to SME exporters
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has renewed calls for Australia's banks to make a greater effort to understand and meet the needs of the small business sector following ...
Fertiliser helps weed control
Feeding weeds fertiliser sounds like exactly the wrong thing, if you want to get rid of them, but Jennifer Firn of CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems has been doing just that - to control ...
Simple answer for clean water
The production of clean energy and the treatment of waste water are set to become easier thanks to ANU researchers.
Green shopping is a mutual responsibility: survey
Australian shoppers, food manufacturers and retailers have a mutual responsibility towards buying, producing and stocking "green" products after a new survey found only 13 per cent ...
Livestock science in a muffin tin
It’s not often you find a muffin tray in a lab, but scientists at the University of Waikato are nothing if not resourceful.
Sauvignon Blanc likes the cold
Auckland scientists studying the unique characteristics of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc have shown that cold storage can triple the shelf-life of the wine by reducing the loss of ...
Helping canola bloom on time
Industry & Investment NSW (I&I) researchers are helping investigate the genes that control flowering in canola.
Emotional intelligence: Enhancing success in the workplace
Where there is emotional intelligence in the workplace, there are likely to be happy, and productive employees who work as a team.
Fencing project helps Lower Lakes recovery
A fencing project to keep livestock away from exposed lakebeds in South Australia's Lower Lakes region is helping to protect important vegetation and bioremediation works, Federal ...
Budget drought hits the bush
Feature of the week: It's going to be a dry year in terms of Federal funding for the agricultural sector in 2010/2011, with farmers and agricultural groups around Australia bluntly ...
Remote-access meters can cut your energy costs
A new web-based smart metering system has been developed by CSIRO to enable householders, small businesses and electricity retailers to remotely control energy use over a broadband ...
'Pimped' bikes analyse pasture
Farmers may soon be able to use their quad bikes to assess feed quality and pasture health.
Skilled workers needed: Federal Budget to the rescue
Feature article of the week: For the construction industry, the recently released 2010-2011 Federal Budget is focusing on building foundations for skill training. This marks a strong ...
Hacked grasses hoard sugar
New technology developed by Australian scientists has supercharged photosynthesis - the natural process of plants converting sunlight and carbon dioxide into biomass and usable energy ...
New "Make It Safe" guide to food safety
CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences has released a book – Make It Safe: A Guide to Food Safety – which provides small-scale food manufacturers with a practical guide to controlling ...
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