Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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Cities fail to recognise potential of smart technologies
Cities are wasting the potential of smart technologies by failing to realise the value of their hidden infrastructure and digital assets.
Securing Australia's power future
A commercial wind power forecasting system called Wind Insight is set to provide greater security to Australia’s electricity power systems.
Making future buildings safer
The capacity to realistically test the integrity of new materials and structures such as buildings, bridges and even airframes has been boosted thanks to a new Smart Structures ...
Developing a low-carbon metal industry
Aluminium production uses 10 times the energy required for steel production, sucking up a massive chunk of Australia’s energy bill. Work within Australia’s research community is ...
IEEE backs Smart Grid standard
US-based IEEE ratifies standard providing alternative approaches and best practices for global Smart Grid projects.
Unlocking IP for business
In a first for Australia, the University of New South Wales will offer the majority of its intellectual property to companies for free, in a radical step to turn more university ...
Ground engaging tool monitoring could save billions
AN Austrian and Australian partnership has developed a system that is said to address a billion dollar mining industry challenge.
CEOs told to bet big on coming mega-trends
CEOs have been told to look beyond to the current gloomy economic news, and take intelligently aggressive steps to capitalise on the mega-trends transforming business.
High efficiency aircon system to go global
An Australian air-conditioning system that can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial and industrial buildings by up to 85 per cent will soon be given ...
Carbon tax: a big advance or hip-pocket hit?
Will carbon pricing prove a revolutionary advance, like the move from horses to cars? Or will it just burden us with a damaging tax on everything?
The psychology of industrial disputes
New research has added more gloom to the threat of strikes by showing how the emotional strain of protracted negotiations can lock rivals on a path to mutual destruction.
Aluminium industry outlook mixed: AAC
Australia is a leader in the production of bauxite, alumina and aluminium, and growth potential exists, just as long as the policy environment does not reduce the attractiveness of ...
Prepare now for the end of the boom, economist warns
The resources boom is not costless. What happens when it ends? Australia needs to prepare.
Engineer skills shortage reaches crisis point - again
It’s becoming a familiar refrain, but according to a new report on Australia’s skills shortage, engineers need better training to fill the rapid demand for engineering professionals. ...
Home renovators hit by asbestos
A ‘third wave' of asbestos-related cancer has emerged among home renovators, according to latest research at The University of Western Australia's School of Population Health.
Business creatively meeting the sustainability challenge
The question of sustainability is often seen to be at odds with industry and sound economic management – but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.
Figures show economy getting patchier
The patchwork economy seems to be getting patchier by the day.
Aussie researchers discover superdense aluminium
An international research team has discovered a new material, superdense aluminium, which has never before been found on Earth.
Epoxy coatings deliver choice in flooring solutions
When specifying a flooring solution for industrial, commercial or domestic applications, one thing you won’t be short of is choice, and increasingly epoxy coatings are becoming a ...
Eliminating construction mistakes in floor coatings
Flooring is seen as one of the most important aspects of building projects. But one of the most forgotten and overlooked aspects is ensuring the floor stays looking as good as the ...
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