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Aust manufacturing industry activity eased during August
Australia's manufacturing activity eased in August, as growth in consumer demand and new orders unwound from recent strong highs, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers ...
Reasons why APEC matters to Aust business community
Once a year, usually around in the second half, some very unusual photos appear in the world media.
Exporting and beyond: Global commitment of Aust SMEs
Engagement with the world by Australian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is increasing beyond exporting according to a new survey by International Business Wales (IBW).
Time has become the new dimension in the export game
In terms of exporter community research, some export-watchers may recall ‘the old testament’ namely, The Portrait of Australian Exporters, Why Australia Need Exports, What is this ...
Now is a good time for Aust businesses to set up in Japan
Now is a good time for Australian firms to consider sending an employee to work in Japan or to export goods/services to the world’s second biggest economy, according to Austrade, ...
Huge things in pipeline for future nanotechnology in Aust
Australia's nanotechnology is expecting further growth with the establishment of a $21.5 million (US$17.8 million) National Nanotechnology Strategy, announced by Prime Minister John ...
Aust manufacturing activity grows but the dollar slows sales
Manufacturing activity continued to grow in June, although the rate of growth eased slightly, with the Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian Performance of ...
Huge things are planned for future nanotech in Australia
Australia's nanotechnology is expecting further growth with the establishment of a $21.5 million (US$17.8 million) National Nanotechnology Strategy, announced by Prime Minister John ...
Strong dollar hurts prospects for manufacturing exports
An important new study released by the Australian Industry Group highlights the strong contribution that Australian manufacturing makes to our export effort - a point that was made ...
Govt delivers smart budget that hits all the right targets :Ai
"The Federal Government has set out to prove the adage that good policy can be good politics by delivering a smart budget that hits the right targets," Ai Group Chief Executive ...
Govt's proactive industry statement good for business
"The Government's Global Integration initiative released by the Prime Minister in Sydney is an innovative approach that responds to the challenges and opportunities of ongoing ...
Call for faster, smarter and much higher trade outcomes
"The Australian Industry Group welcomes the approach to apprenticeships outlined recently the National Press Club by the Minister for Vocational and Further Education, Andrew Robb," ...
AIG pre-budget submission: ambitions for Aust prosperity
The Australian Industry Group has released details of its submission to the Federal Government outlining a range of proposals to be included in the May Budget.
JobManagerPro System for Sydney Lawns and Gardens
Sydney Lawns and Gardens provides a thriving landscaping and garden maintenance service to 35 clients with around 177 jobs on the system at any one time.
Aust and NZ data centres demand more quality and space
A new report from the Data Centre Practice at BroadGroup reveals that the data centre market in Australia and New Zealand is expanding significantly, but suggests that growing demand ...
Aust businesses urged to become “insiders” within China
One of the important factors for export success in China is to understand how the market works ‘on-the-ground’ according to newly appointed Country Manager of the Austrade network’s ...
RFID forecasts players/opportunities in future for '07-'17
IDTechEx has interviewed key RFID adopters and solution providers in the various applicational RFID markets.
Australian exporters see globalisation as an opportunity not a threat
Globalisation causes anxiety in some quarters. From the protests against the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the ‘battle for Seattle’ in 1999 to the anti-G20 activities last year, ...
Asian technology firms record phenomenal growth in Deloitte ranking
The Asia Pacific tech sector is in very robust shape according to Deloitte’s latest ranking of fast growing technology companies and its survey of their CEOs.
Australian manufacturing starts off the New Year on softer note
A weakening in demand, coupled with the drought and other supply shortages, has contributed to slower growth in Australia's manufacturing industry in January, with The Australian ...
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