Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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Power profiles help electronics go green
New and better ways of measuring high-tech energy consumption could lead to significant environmental and economic gains, a study from The Australian National University has found.
US Navy taps into Australian biofuel capabilities
Biofuel technology being developed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers has caught the interest of the US Navy, which is currently in Australia on an alternative ...
Europeans tell Australia, address solar potential now
Trade association says photovoltaic market is "at a crossroads" and can no longer rely on debt-laden Europe to drive growth.
Vehicle fuel efficiency - where have all the savings gone?
Carmakers have made great strides in fuel efficiency in recent decades — but the mileage numbers of individual vehicles have barely increased. An MIT economist from the US explains ...
Overcoming the solar and wind energy storage hurdle
A new Queensland University of Technology (QUT) research project aims to overcome one of Australia's main hurdles to the increased use of wind and solar energy.
Research drives solutions to improve unsealed roads
A Kansas State University graduate student sees the unpaved road ahead, and it's filled with biomaterial.
Engineers make "building blocks" of chemical industry from wood
Chemical engineers at the University of Massachusetts in the US are using a catalytic fast pyrolysis process that transforms renewable non-food biomass into petrochemicals.
Call for action on global groundwater crisis
International water scientists have issued a call for action over the growing threat to the world’s groundwater supplies from over-extraction and pollution.
Ford targets 30% less water consumption in manufacturing
New aggressive water strategy calls for global reduction target of 30 percent per vehicle by 2015.
Carbon farming could drive wetlands restoration
A new study investigating the feasibility of restoring wetlands through the Carbon Farming Initiative has found the strategy could be environmentally and financially beneficial to ...
Permanent monitoring: the fastest way to reduce leakage
The town of Eislingen in Southern Germany has practiced Active Leakage Control for many years with a team of two equipped with a ground microphone and correlator who drive around in ...
Operational efficiencies from permanent leakage monitoring
Albdtadt is a town located in southwest Germany, about 80km south of Stuttgart. Alstadtwerke are the utility network distribution provider in this region supplying potable water, ...
Securing Australia's power future
A commercial wind power forecasting system called Wind Insight is set to provide greater security to Australia’s electricity power systems.
Protecting water systems from coal seam gas
To protect natural water systems, national risk assessment guidelines must be established around the impact of coal seam gas (CSG) drilling on aquifers, according to a submission ...
Making future buildings safer
The capacity to realistically test the integrity of new materials and structures such as buildings, bridges and even airframes has been boosted thanks to a new Smart Structures ...
BMW and Toyota in long-term research collaboration
BMW Group (BMW) and Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) concerning a mid-to-long-term collaboration on next-generation environment-friendly ...
To destroy or not, virtual material testing finds better way
Before computer modelling there was only one way to discover the limits of a metal alloy, or any other material – test it until it’s destroyed, but all that’s about to change.
Sustainable plastics and paints get research boost
Sustainable ways to produce plastics, foams, paints and other everyday materials could be the outcome of a $10 million, four-year project about to commence at the University of Sydney. ...
Major advance in water contaminant testing
Contaminant testing in water can now be performed in a much safer, more efficient and environmental-friendly way, thanks to an award-winning innovation in the laboratory.
Air con research facility tests manufacturer claims
How do you know if the star ratings on your air conditioner really perform as they state on the label?
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