Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Ants & termites boost dryland wheat yields
Ants and termites have a significant positive impact on crop yields in dryland agriculture, according to a paper published recently in the journal 'Nature Communications' by scientists ...
Cutting salt content in foods
The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) has thrown its support behind a recent report that recommends targets for salt levels in common food products.
The growing trend of acquisitions in agriculture
Acquisitions by international agricultural firms are a growing trend in Australian agriculture, as such companies look to establish a presence in Australia.
Riding out the rising cost of sugarcane
The world price of raw sugarcane increased 75% between May 2010 and February 2011.
Interest grows in Vitamin K2 addition
Vitamin K2 appears to be in line to become the next big thing in functional foods, as evidence has grown about its beneficial role in bone and cardiovascular health.
Food & wine trends driving the Victorian economy
As foodies descend on Melbourne for its annual celebration of culinary excellence, business information analysts IBISWorld provide a snap shot of food and wine trends driving the ...
Keeping soft fruit ‘fur-free’ for longer
A new way of improving the shelf life of soft fruit like strawberries and raspberries is being pioneered by researchers at The University of Nottingham.
What to remember when choosing a pneumatic air motor
Assembly Technologies provides advise on the ins and outs of selecting and using pneumatic air motors.
Almond milk: An emerging presence in dairy free?
Soya milk continues to dominate the growing dairy-free market in most countries of the world.
The "prime motivator" guiding growth in US food retailing
Gone but not forgotten, the shadow of the Great Recession continues to loom large over the food retailing landscape.
"Health" & "energy" are the beverage buzzwords
Rising consumer interest in health and naturalness is being strongly reflected in new product activity of the global soft drinks market.
Industrial relations in Australia: The facts
Industrial relations (IR) is an all-encompassing term for the relationships existing between employers, workers and their representatives.
Processed is out, value is In
Ten emerging trends that will impact new product activity in 2011 have been identified by Innova Market Insights from its ongoing analysis of key trends and developments over the ...
Growing rice through drought
In the wake of flooding in significant parts of regional Australia, one has to be reminded of the importance of work of an international scientist at Charles Sturt University (CSU) ...
More oats – hot and cold
The resurgence of oats as an ingredient in the food industry has continued in recent years, driven by their healthy image as a high-energy, wholegrain and heart-benefit food.
Measuring how farm animals 'feel'
CSIRO is researching ways to improve the welfare of livestock by developing scientific methods for assessing how animals 'feel' in response to common management practices.
Guide on what fish to eat
A UQ academic has contributed to Australia's first comprehensive consumer guide to seafood.
Agriculture spurs economic growth
Australia's modest national seasonally adjusted growth of 0.2% over the September quarter is a reminder of the farm sector’s fundamental importance to our economy, with agricultural ...
Salty bread a cause for concern
Less than half of bread products in Australian supermarkets have acceptable salt levels, according to data released today by Sydney-based The George Institute for Global Health.
Robots to milk cows in farms
This week heralds a new era in dairy farming with the revelation of the robotic rotary, a world first, developed by DeLaval in collaboration with the University of Sydney and ...
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