Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Kids living in toxic households
Australian babies and young children are increasingly exposed to toxic flame-retardant chemicals emanating from cheap imported carpets, furniture, foam mattresses and electronic ...
Killer heatwaves ahead
With Australia facing its third wettest year on record and the world on track to be the hottest year in a decade, extreme weather conditions are set to continue, according to a study ...
Security industry sounds alarm on NBN
In a circular to members earlier this year ASIAL, the Australian Security Industry Association Limited, said the proposed National Broadband Network (NBN) threatens the functionality ...
Measuring how farm animals 'feel'
CSIRO is researching ways to improve the welfare of livestock by developing scientific methods for assessing how animals 'feel' in response to common management practices.
Call to prevent DDT overkill
A new malaria study by UQ scientists challenges World Health Organisation guidelines for using DDT chemical spray to kill mosquitoes.
Pests often found 'next door'
Evidence supporting Australia’s internal quarantine restrictions designed to stop the spread of insect pests, has been published in the respected scientific journal, Nature Communications. ...
Flight sim for airline controllers
A new simulator being developed at Swinburne University will help airline operations controllers make better decisions under pressure and get more planes and passengers to their ...
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
A silver alternative for plastics processor
Feature of the week: Three thousand years ago the Phoenicians stored their drinking water in silver vessels to delay the onset of spoilage.
Safety awareness in PPE clothing
Feature of the week: More safety awareness in producing personal protection equipment (PPE) clothing is imperative if accidents are to be averted in sensitive voltage areas.
Changes to heavy vehicle pricing on the way
Feature of the week: A discussion paper released earlier this month by the National Transport Commission, regarding current heavy vehicle pricings and potential future structures, ...
Changes ahead for transport industry
Feature of the week: In the leadup to the election, the Greens' campaign wanted to remove all freight off roads, and redirect the money into regional rail infrastructure, to boost ...
Trucking industry demands answers on important issues
Feature of the week: The Australian Trucking Association has put more pressure on all major political parties by demanding answers to future plans concerning trucking industries in ...
Safety around electrically powered vehicles
Feature of the week: Power regulators in each state are set to deliberate on a draft Australian Standard designed to unify methods of work around electrically powered vehicles, ...
'Talking' lessens rail accidents
The La Trobe system – which will extend driver 'vision' up to one kilometre in all directions – will be trialled in 100 vehicles, the largest known rail crossing safety study of its ...
Workplaces still lack women
Only 38 per cent of Generation X, tertiary qualified women participating in a long-running University of Melbourne study or work full-time, compared to 90 per cent of Generation X, ...
AUS's 1st climate change adaptation conference
The first international conference held in Australia to discuss the science and options for adapting to climate change begins on the Gold Coast on Tuesday 29 June.
Waste management for Australian businesses
Feature of the week: Every year Australian businesses purchase millions of computers, printers and televisions, and throw out their old ones.
Foam breaker cleans waterways
Australian scientists have developed a groundbreaking treatment to clean up the highly toxic and persistent foam chemicals used worldwide to fight thousands of fires.
Could compost replace synthetic fertilisers?
Feature of the week: Farmers are being urged to change their use of chemically produced fertilisers for food production, and utilise an alternative plant food such as compost, to ...
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