Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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New joint centre to secure future energy, reduce emissions
A newly established joint research centre at Curtin University will help secure future energy supplies and reduce CO2 emissions from both Australia and China.
Super nanowire composite solves 'valley of death' riddle
In a world first, a team of researchers from Australia, China and the US has created a super strong metallic composite by harnessing the extraordinary mechanical properties of ...
New technique to transform precious metal recovery
Murdoch University researchers have come up with a new approach to make the recovery of high value precious metals faster and more economically viable.
Low carbon legacy: UltraBattery inventor retires
Bringing down the cost of hybrid electric vehicles and making it easier to integrate more renewable energy into the grid are just some of the achievements of CSIRO’s UltraBattery.
A high-flying future for Australian manufacturing
The Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing (M-CAM), built to drive the establishment of high-end, waste-free, tailored manufacturing for the aerospace industry was launched in ...
UK manufacturing, factories get smarter
Research at The University of Nottingham in the UK that could help the manufacturing industry to remain competitive by evolving to meet future challenges is in line for a multi-million ...
Moon mining: it's closer to reality than we may think
Mining on the moon may move from science fiction to reality faster than most people think and Australia can play its part, a lawyer says.
Research sheds light on FIFO mining workforce
A recent study by researchers from the University of Ballarat provides insight into some of the issues raised by The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Australia’s ...
Carbon sponge could soak up coal emissions
Emissions from coal power stations could be drastically reduced by a new, energy-efficient material that adsorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide, then releases it when exposed to ...
Robots, the future of Australian agriculture?
Australia's potential to become the 'food bowl' of Asia has triggered a drive to develop robots for use in farming and agriculture and University of Sydney mechatronics experts are ...
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
Rail industry struggling to attract engineers
Rail is an essential piece of infrastructure in Australia, responsible for moving millions of people and vast quantities of resources.
Quantum light and the science of measurement
A team of Australian scientists has developed a powerful microscope using the laws of quantum mechanics to probe the inner workings of living cells.
'Digital bathroom mirror' tech closer to reality
It may seem like something from science fiction, but pretty soon you'll be reading your favourite newspaper in a digital device embedded in your bathroom mirror and then polish off ...
How to sustain productivity with fewer staff
Unemployment rates in Australia have significantly hiked from 5.2 per cent last year to the current level of 5.4 per cent. Job advertisements have slumped to their lowest level in ...
Aircraft makers set to benefit from increased passenger numbers
With soaring passenger numbers being fuelled by a rising Asia, the two global giants in aircraft manufacturing — Boeing and Airbus — have made significant developments shaping the ...
Bottle light design to improve road safety
An invention by a University of South Australia lecturer is set to make cycling safer for all recreational riders.
Dutch offer lessons in product innovation
Erik Jan Hultink from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, recently visited Australia to discuss key results from the 2012 Dutch Product Development Management Association's ...
Liquid metal marbles: new platform for nanomaterials
Researchers at RMIT University have created "liquid metal marbles" — droplets of liquid metal coated in nanoparticles — in a world-first breakthrough.
A cooler planet by design
From hot property to unwanted waste: it's time to rethink the way we design, produce and reuse new products.
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