Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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Indicators are showing a struggling economy
The question lingering over the latest bout of weak economic figures is whether they have been depressed temporarily by adverse weather or reveal a longer-lasting economic malaise.
Using mining by-products to reduce algal blooms
CSIRO research has shown that some mining by-products can be effective in preventing nutrients from entering river systems, thereby reducing the potential for algal blooms.
Bioplastics industry gathers pace in Australia
It might sound wildly futuristic but producing plastic from plants is already an established industry and while it’s at present a niche sector, the short-term growth prospects are ...
From algae to biofuels
A new Australian company has been established to produce commercial quantities of clean, "green" fuels from algae.
Solar power gives good electricity
A study by researchers from The University of Western Australia has confirmed the potential for Concentrated Solar Power to generate electricity for communities and mining interests ...
Can mining save our construction industry?
If Australia’s mining boom isn’t killed off by flawed taxes or collapsing commodity prices, it just might save our construction industry.
Kids living in toxic households
Australian babies and young children are increasingly exposed to toxic flame-retardant chemicals emanating from cheap imported carpets, furniture, foam mattresses and electronic ...
Mining fertiliser to feed billions
Along with gold and rare earths, potash is the mineral of the moment.
Clean energy for the future
As buildings reach higher and higher sustainability standards, building owners and developers are continually looking for the ‘next big thing’ to help reduce carbon emissions.
Removing willow for water
Removing willows growing in the stream bed of creeks and rivers could return valuable water resources to river systems, new CSIRO research has found.
Fires: hidden threat to forests
Climate change is poised to wreak havoc on tropical rainforests, but conservation groups and international aid donors may be on the wrong course to reduce these threats, according ...
Salty bread a cause for concern
Less than half of bread products in Australian supermarkets have acceptable salt levels, according to data released today by Sydney-based The George Institute for Global Health.
Making stronger clothes pegs
Scientists from The Australian National University have used supercomputers to reveal how plastic items like the humble clothes peg can be designed to withstand the sun for longer.
Call to prevent DDT overkill
A new malaria study by UQ scientists challenges World Health Organisation guidelines for using DDT chemical spray to kill mosquitoes.
Ambitious target does not quite measure up
Renewable energy technologies have developed rapidly since 2000, and several are mainstream in terms of investment and employment creation.
Pests often found 'next door'
Evidence supporting Australia’s internal quarantine restrictions designed to stop the spread of insect pests, has been published in the respected scientific journal, Nature Communications. ...
Efficient input sustains farming
In an address to the Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, Dr Robertson said a sizable gap still exists between what farmers in both ...
Can plastics generate electricity?
Feature of the week: It's been said that if you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door.
Innovations in building product waste disposal
Feature of the week: A study by the Monash Centre for Environmental Management found around 10% to 15% of paint bought by householders and trade painters remained unused at the end ...
Big changes at Port of Newcastle
Feature of the week: It's called T4, short for Terminal Four, and (like its predecessors) aims to cash in on surging global demand for coal, while simultaneously shrinking the number ...
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