Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Grain industry outlook buoys farming sector prospects
Despite its size and importance to Australia’s economy, the farming sector has been doing it tough, but there is some light on the horizon.
Designer roots fight drought
Recent discoveries by a University of Queensland agricultural scientist provide the basis for custom designing plant roots.
Ginger worth its weight in gold
All that glitters really is gold in the world of crystallised ginger.
Fuss over foreign Foster's depends on jobs
Aussie consumers and workers may not be fussed whether or not iconic brewer Foster's is owned by foreigners.
Beating corrosion in industrial water systems
Maintenance must be more than an afterthought, particularly when it comes to your industrial water system.
Are sweet times ahead for agave?
While agave is probably best known as the plant from which tequila is made, we are also seeing rising levels of interest in its use as a sweetener in the form of agave nectar, also ...
Using nitrogen ‘cleanly’
The world can produce enough food and cut greenhouse gas emissions if it learns to use nitrogen more efficiently in agriculture, a world-leading Queensland University of Technology ...
Natural, organic food & beverage market to double by 2015
Far outpacing growth in conventional groceries, U.S. retail sales of natural and organic foods and beverages rose to nearly $39 billion in 2010, according to "Natural and Organic ...
Antimicrobials in livestock risks human health
Excessive use of antimicrobials in livestock promotes resistance and risks the future health of both animals and humans, warn experts in an editorial published by Student BMJ.
Industrial caps & plugs: Flexible closures for every situation
Industrial caps and plugs may not be glamorous, but you and thousands of others still need them, and they better be fit for purpose.
Gourmet yoghurts: The start of an Antipodean invasion?
The recent introduction of two Australasian gourmet yoghurts onto the UK market appears to indicate that Australia and New Zealand still seem to have something of interest to offer ...
Chemical migration from food contact packaging materials
Food packaging is vital for ensuring foods are not contaminated, providing physical protection and extending the shelf life of foods.
Cattle miscarry from parasite
A parasite that is a major cause of miscarriage in cattle, sheep and goats worldwide may be present in one third of South Australia's cattle herds, according to new research from ...
Big business of biodiversity dependent on seed
Seed banks must become more than ‘stamp-collections' of species if global conservation efforts are to be successful, according to two eminent plant biologists.
Milking the Asian cash cow
The Australian dairy export market is a $2.4 billion industry, of which Asian markets make up 72% of total export value.
Indulgent & unusual combine to drive interest in ice cream
New product activity levels in the ice cream market are continuing to grow globally, with over 3,300 launches recorded on the Innova Database in 2010.
Sauces & meats on fat reduction menu
Salt in Australian-manufactured simmer sauces and salt and saturated fat in processed meats is being reduced by leading food manufacturers to improve the diets and health of Australians ...
Manufacturers & producers going green
A meat processor and dairy manufacturer are among sixteen Australian manufacturers going green to tackle climate change and ensure a healthier future for all Australians.
New bug used to control capsicum pest
Capsicum growers on the northern Adelaide Plains will benefit from a breakthrough in biological control of Western Flower Thrips (WFT).
Environmental sustainability in making pork
West Australian scientists will put pig welfare and production under the microscope in a bid to help the environment and consumer health.
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