Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Technology makes storing radioactive waste safer
A solution to the problem of how to clean up radioactive waste-contaminated water has taken a leap forward, thanks to new research from Queensland scientists.
Research could take mobile phone users off the road
To increase safety on the road, wireless researchers are looking for technologies that can passively influence the behaviour of drivers who put themselves and others at risk through ...
High efficiency aircon system to go global
An Australian air-conditioning system that can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial and industrial buildings by up to 85 per cent will soon be given ...
Preventing electric shocks when using chafing dishes
The purpose of this alert is to remind employers and workers how to use chafing dishes safely.
Safe timber harvesting practices
This safety alert highlights the dangers of manual tree felling and provides information on safer timber harvesting practices.
Aussie know-how brings x-ray vision a step closer
While military and search-and-rescue teams have long wished for x-ray vision, the imaging systems work of Professor Abdesselam Bouzerdoum from the University of Wollongong is bringing ...
Magic weed cleans up toxic chrome
Using a noxious weed to clean up a toxic metal can rid the environment of two harmful substances, protecting people, water life, soil health and food crops, a new study has found.
Emerging chemicals pose environmental concerns
There is growing scientific concern over the combined impact of novel toxic chemicals on the environment worldwide, according to leading international scientists.
Home renovators hit by asbestos
A ‘third wave' of asbestos-related cancer has emerged among home renovators, according to latest research at The University of Western Australia's School of Population Health.
Manufacturers warned not to overlook environmental obligations
As public awareness of environmental issues has grown, so too has the responsibility for companies to effectively manage chemical spills. Not only can mismanagement result in fines ...
Automated robotic systems making mining safer
A delegation University of Sydney staff is visiting Latin America to strengthen the university's research partnerships, and robots for the mining sector are on the agenda.
Eliminating construction mistakes in floor coatings
Flooring is seen as one of the most important aspects of building projects. But one of the most forgotten and overlooked aspects is ensuring the floor stays looking as good as the ...
Chemical migration from food contact packaging materials
Food packaging is vital for ensuring foods are not contaminated, providing physical protection and extending the shelf life of foods.
Gas detection instrumentation, putting industrial safety first
Accidents involving gas can not only cost workers their lives, it can also cost companies thousands of dollars in fines and penalties.
Working at height, safety remains high on agenda
Sadly never far from the media spotlight, OHS for the building and construction sector continues to be a hot topic.
National OHS regulations are flawed: ACTU
Standardising OHS regulations nationally should in theory offer improved workplace safety standards for all Australian industrial workers, but OHS harmonisation has its flaws according ...
Grazing can increase fire risk
A UTAS study examines the truth of the ‘grazing stops blazing’ argument.
Industrial relations in Australia: The facts
Industrial relations (IR) is an all-encompassing term for the relationships existing between employers, workers and their representatives.
Construction jobs market faces bright future
In 2009, the full brunt of the global financial crisis (GFC) hit.
Volcano-alerts through emails
New Zealand scientists are playing a key role in developing a new system to give early warning of aviation-endangering volcanic eruptions by detecting the lightning their ash clouds ...
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