Electrical & Power Generation Equipment Feature Articles

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Engineers make "building blocks" of chemical industry from wood
Chemical engineers at the University of Massachusetts in the US are using a catalytic fast pyrolysis process that transforms renewable non-food biomass into petrochemicals.
Graphene rips follow path of least resistance
Rice University simulations show carbon sheets tear along energetically favorable lines.
Atomic scale wiring to power future computers
Silicon conducting wires that are 10,000 times thinner than human hair still maintain good conducting qualities, and as such will likely power the quantum computers of the future.
Farms could yield jet fuel of the future
Ever since the Wright brothers, the aviation industry has been looking for ways to fly further faster. Now with the help of the US Department of Energy (DOE), Virent, and DOE's ...
Cities fail to recognise potential of smart technologies
Cities are wasting the potential of smart technologies by failing to realise the value of their hidden infrastructure and digital assets.
Securing Australia's power future
A commercial wind power forecasting system called Wind Insight is set to provide greater security to Australia’s electricity power systems.
Protecting water systems from coal seam gas
To protect natural water systems, national risk assessment guidelines must be established around the impact of coal seam gas (CSG) drilling on aquifers, according to a submission ...
BMW and Toyota in long-term research collaboration
BMW Group (BMW) and Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) concerning a mid-to-long-term collaboration on next-generation environment-friendly ...
Plasmonics lab opens up nano-toolbox
Swinburne University of Technology is set to open its new $8 million plasmonics laboratory, consolidating the university’s position as one of Australia’s leading nanophotonics research ...
New spark plug extends industrial engine service life
A new industrial spark plug, compatible with alternative fuels, is said to provide the power generation sector with extended life in industrial gas engines.
OLEDs priced out of mainstream lighting until at least 2020
Despite its potential, in the medium term OLED technology will remain consigned to markets where aesthetics upstage price.
Air con research facility tests manufacturer claims
How do you know if the star ratings on your air conditioner really perform as they state on the label?
Developing a low-carbon metal industry
Aluminium production uses 10 times the energy required for steel production, sucking up a massive chunk of Australia’s energy bill. Work within Australia’s research community is ...
NZ at forefront of global electric vehicle technology
In by far the most significant technology transfer deal ever achieved by a New Zealand university, car travel worldwide is set to be transformed by revolutionary technology developed ...
IEEE backs Smart Grid standard
US-based IEEE ratifies standard providing alternative approaches and best practices for global Smart Grid projects.
Frozen pellet technology brings chaos to the edge
Fusion researchers see frozen pellet technology as way to control ITER's plasma as well as fuel it.
LED performance efficiency promises energy savings
Researchers have used zinc oxide microwires to significantly improve the efficiency at which gallium nitride light-emitting diodes (LED) convert electricity to ultraviolet light.
CEOs told to bet big on coming mega-trends
CEOs have been told to look beyond to the current gloomy economic news, and take intelligently aggressive steps to capitalise on the mega-trends transforming business.
US manufacturing tipped to bounce back: research
After years of decline, US manufacturing is set to rebound in the next five years, as China gradually loses its competitive advantage.
High efficiency aircon system to go global
An Australian air-conditioning system that can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial and industrial buildings by up to 85 per cent will soon be given ...
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