Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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CSIRO helps clinch global car component deal
Access to a portfolio of cost-competitive CSIRO casting technologies was crucial to Nissan Casting Australia’s (NCAP’s) recent successful bid to manufacture components for the Nissan ...
Oil price becoming a rising trend
Motorists might have to get used to sudden price spikes at the bowser.
Building green cars & creating high-skill jobs
New technologies like hybrid engines, electric vehicles and light-weighting are paving the way for Australia to become a world-leader in green car manufacturing.
Petrol price increases force rethink for manufacturers
With petrol prices recently hitting $1.60 per litre in some parts of Australia, the days of sub $1.00 per litre petrol appear long gone.
Industrial relations in Australia: The facts
Industrial relations (IR) is an all-encompassing term for the relationships existing between employers, workers and their representatives.
Volcano-alerts through emails
New Zealand scientists are playing a key role in developing a new system to give early warning of aviation-endangering volcanic eruptions by detecting the lightning their ash clouds ...
Laser allows cars to lose weight
A team of Swinburne University researchers has developed a joining system that overcomes decades-long obstacles to the wider use of magnesium in the automotive industry.
Big changes at Port of Newcastle
Feature of the week: It's called T4, short for Terminal Four, and (like its predecessors) aims to cash in on surging global demand for coal, while simultaneously shrinking the number ...
Don't hold your breath for air power
Feature of the week: The continuing push for a sustainable fuel source is a topic that's gathering real momentum; from the public, government officials, and often from fuel companies ...
Pushing it to the electric limits
Feature of the week: As the energy source at the forefront of current research and development, battery powered vehicles have travelled a long way in the last few years.
BHP leads the push for carbon tax
Feature of the week: At an Australian British Chamber of Commerce lunch in Sydney last month, BHP Billiton Chief Executive Marius Kloppers spoke about the need of a carbon pricing ...
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Industry heads meet during political uncertainty
New talks, to discuss the changes in the planned Australian Mining Tax, will begin soon.
Changes to heavy vehicle pricing on the way
Feature of the week: A discussion paper released earlier this month by the National Transport Commission, regarding current heavy vehicle pricings and potential future structures, ...
Changes ahead for transport industry
Feature of the week: In the leadup to the election, the Greens' campaign wanted to remove all freight off roads, and redirect the money into regional rail infrastructure, to boost ...
Trucking industry demands answers on important issues
Feature of the week: The Australian Trucking Association has put more pressure on all major political parties by demanding answers to future plans concerning trucking industries in ...
Environmental policy – where do the parties stand?
Feature of the week: All three major political parties have now laid out their environmental credentials for the upcoming election, and although all promise action, there are wide ...
'Talking' lessens rail accidents
The La Trobe system – which will extend driver 'vision' up to one kilometre in all directions – will be trialled in 100 vehicles, the largest known rail crossing safety study of its ...
Another transport funding snub for Aussie farmers
Feature of the week: Australia's primary industries have been snubbed again by the Federal Government's inability to fund any new transport projects in Sydney.
Australian agriculture must adapt to climate change
In Australia's first ever climate change adaption conference, scientists and decision makers delivered a clear message: agriculture and farming businesses must cope with the changing ...
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