Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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How the carbon tax works
Carbon pricing is essentially about ensuring the economy can grow without emissions growing at the same time.
Research bid to improve methane measurement
Researchers at RMIT University are part of a team receiving $840,000 from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to develop selective membranes designed to improve ...
Carbon scheme in danger of going up in smoke
Political squabbling runs the risk of turning the world’s best carbon pricing scheme into the world's shortest-lived.
The hunt is on for Australia's brightest sparks
The search is on again for the nation’s greatest ideas – in fields from environmental science to education – through the $70,000 The Australian Innovation Challenge awards.
Nanoparticles seek and destroy groundwater toxins
Iron nanoparticles encapsulated in a rust-preventing polymer coating could hold incredible potential for cleaning up groundwater contaminated with toxic chemicals, a leading water ...
Climate change expert: Australia will go nuclear by 2030
A University of Adelaide scientist believes it is inevitable that Australia will become a user of the world's most advanced nuclear power technology, if the country is serious about ...
Organic materials promise biodegradable electronics
James Cook University postgraduate researcher Katia Bazaka has received a national award for her research into novel organic materials for high-tech applications.
Bright future for Australian solar research on horizon
RMIT University has led an international consortium of universities and the CSIRO in a research breakthrough that improves a solar panel technology's efficiency by at least 30 per ...
Business sector faces up to 'variable' impacts of carbon tax
Australian industries face uncertain times with the onset of the carbon price in exactly a month, a Griffith University forum has heard.
New type of biosensor is fast, super-sensitive
A whole new class of biosensor that can detect exceptionally small traces of contaminants in liquids in just 40 minutes has been developed by a UNSW-led team of researchers.
Australia a leader in sustainable technology: expert
Australia is a world leader in developing clean, more sustainable resources and technologies to prevent pollution, the managing director of CRC CARE, professor Ravi Naidu said recently. ...
The real cost of coal is quickly adding up
We are paying the price for cheap energy, and "cheap coal" is a myth. And like all myths, we accept its wisdom without thinking.
Miner pioneers fuel cell technology in underground operations
Demonstrating its commitment to the mitigation of climate change and sustainable mining, Anglo American Platinum has launched a platinum-based fuel cell powered mine locomotive ...
Improved efficiency - the climate's worst enemy?
Anthony James, Lecturer with the National Centre for Sustainability at Swinburne University of Technology asks whether improving efficiency may make our energy and climate problems ...
Usability key to research commercialisation
"There is no such thing as a good idea." It may seem an unorthodox message coming from the head of one of Australia’s most successful technology transfer offices (TTO) but Anthony ...
Time for government to pick a renewable energy winner
OPINION: Let’s start with a question: why has Denmark been so successful in renewable energy creation and uptake?
Green cap for cleansing contaminated land
A green technique for capping and cleansing old urban landfill sites and mine dumps has been successfully trialled in South Australia.
Research 'promising' for fuel cell advances
Researchers from New York University and the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart reveal how protons move in phosphoric acid in a Nature Chemistry study that sheds new light on the ...
Early stage breakthrough in solar cell efficiency
Low cost solar cells suitable for rooftop panels could reach a record-breaking 40 per cent efficiency following an early stage breakthrough by a University of Sydney researcher and ...
Partnership to bring insect silk to industrial mainstream
A partnership to develop products using insect silk will explore a range of industrial applications, with the aviation and marine industries in particular taking notice.
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