Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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Sustainability "next challenge" for manufacturing
CSIRO wants to work with more SMEs to help them overcome environmental hurdles.
Electronics firms urged to take care with conformal coatings
For those in the electronics industry, conformal coatings can be one of the most important things on the job.
Slight early growth ‘indicates double-digit 2011 expansion for semis’
The last quarter of 2010 and the first of 2011 saw modest increases in the global semiconductor market, but double digit growth could be on the horizon if the past is anything to go ...
Gas detection instrumentation, putting industrial safety first
Accidents involving gas can not only cost workers their lives, it can also cost companies thousands of dollars in fines and penalties.
Are you a victim of workplace theft?
Theft costs Australian businesses a small fortune each year, and in many cases you should be pointing the finger at your own employees.
CSIRO helps clinch global car component deal
Access to a portfolio of cost-competitive CSIRO casting technologies was crucial to Nissan Casting Australia’s (NCAP’s) recent successful bid to manufacture components for the Nissan ...
Indulgent & unusual combine to drive interest in ice cream
New product activity levels in the ice cream market are continuing to grow globally, with over 3,300 launches recorded on the Innova Database in 2010.
The need to monitor fungicide risk
Australia currently has no organised, long-term way of monitoring levels of commercial fungicides in soil and waterways, leading environmental scientists have cautioned.
New bug used to control capsicum pest
Capsicum growers on the northern Adelaide Plains will benefit from a breakthrough in biological control of Western Flower Thrips (WFT).
Building green cars & creating high-skill jobs
New technologies like hybrid engines, electric vehicles and light-weighting are paving the way for Australia to become a world-leader in green car manufacturing.
Ants & termites boost dryland wheat yields
Ants and termites have a significant positive impact on crop yields in dryland agriculture, according to a paper published recently in the journal 'Nature Communications' by scientists ...
The growing trend of acquisitions in agriculture
Acquisitions by international agricultural firms are a growing trend in Australian agriculture, as such companies look to establish a presence in Australia.
Chip wafer production stopped after quake
The catastrophic Japanese earthquake has resulted in suspended production of one quarter of the world's semiconductor wafer supply, according to a recently released report from IHS ...
Biofuels: Turning waste into wealth
Transforming waste plant material into a sustainable, low-emission fuel for the world’s cars, trucks and planes is the aim of a new research collaboration between CSIRO and leading ...
Carbon row adds to consumers' malaise
It's not often that worries over interest rates are upstaged by another factor in consumers' thinking, but the furious debate over a carbon price appears to be too much to bear.
A new dimension to climate debate
Adding a new dimension to the climate change debate, a discussion paper recently published by researchers at the University of South Australia, suggests that we may actually run ...
Organic compost: A wasted opportunity for agriculture sector
Most topsoil in Australia, what hasn’t been blown or washed away, is biologically dead, yet the use of organic compost in the intensive agriculture sector still remains in the "too ...
Containing the spread of cane toads
Exploiting the cane toad's biggest weakness - a thirst for water - could be the key to stopping its march across northern Australia, according to new research.
Govt's MRRT battle gets a bit harder
The federal government was always going to face hurdles in the home straight to its controversial mining tax, but a new set of figures has made the course even trickier.
Outlook for metal manufacturing patchy: AMTIL president
Pat Boland was appointed president of the Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Limited (AMTIL) in January this year. Boland is a founding partner of the ANCA machine tool ...
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