Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Why business needs to take the 'man' out of manual work
The cost of workplace injuries is massive, but only simple, effective and money saving solutions can persuade industries to change, according to leading safety product providers ...
New type of biosensor is fast, super-sensitive
A whole new class of biosensor that can detect exceptionally small traces of contaminants in liquids in just 40 minutes has been developed by a UNSW-led team of researchers.
Quake test helps set standard for building on soft soil
An often quoted parable has the "foolish builder" building on sand, but in reality many major cities are built on soft deposits – some in earthquake prone regions – and world-leading ...
Green cap for cleansing contaminated land
A green technique for capping and cleansing old urban landfill sites and mine dumps has been successfully trialled in South Australia.
Conveyor solution reduces manual handling of acetylene cylinders
Australis Engineering were asked to provided BOC with a chain, roller and slat conveyor solution to assist in reducing the manual handling of acetylene cylinders.
Aussie laser radar fuels African renewable energy efforts
Smart Australian laser technology is poised to bring a huge improvement to the lives of tens of millions of East Africans by helping to ignite industrial, economic and jobs growth.
Industrial waste can power desalination, scientists claim
Victoria University scientists have shown the viability of a new desalination technology that uses almost no electricity and has the potential to save huge amounts of water.
Imaging system lets camera peer around corners
A new imaging system could use opaque walls, doors or floors as 'mirrors' to gather information about scenes outside its line of sight.
Fission for a safe new energy source
Nuclear energy is the only viable non-carbon-based energy source for the future, despite the recent nuclear accident in Japan, according to a James Cook University professor.
Risk-free safety for miners becomes a virtual reality
A new risk-free way to train Queensland mine workers how to operate safely - and respond to mine emergency situations - is about to become a virtual reality.
App turns smartphone into emergency beacon
Edith Cowan University (ECU) students have developed a new app which transforms a smartphone into an emergency beacon at the push of a button.
Mining boom jobs pose hidden emotional cost
Cashing in on the mining boom with a fly-in fly-out job may reap obvious financial benefit but the hidden emotional costs may not be so well understood.
Grease flows in the cold at Cullen Valley mine
SBH Solutions has solved machinery greasing difficulties at Coalpac’s Cullen Valley mine in the Blue Mountains near Lithgow.
Business investment in new technologies improve performance
The latest Australian Industry Group/Deloitte National CEO report, Business Investment in New Technologies, examines business investment in new technologies over the past three years. ...
Fatigued fathers pose a risk in the workplace
Working fathers with new babies experience cumulative fatigue which may pose a risk in the workplace, according to new research from Southern Cross University.
QUT research to help safer emergency aircraft landings
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) aviation researchers are developing an information system to help Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) make safer emergency landings and better ...
Major advance in water contaminant testing
Contaminant testing in water can now be performed in a much safer, more efficient and environmental-friendly way, thanks to an award-winning innovation in the laboratory.
Air con research facility tests manufacturer claims
How do you know if the star ratings on your air conditioner really perform as they state on the label?
Researchers rapidly ID bacterial culprits
A new research laboratory will allow for faster and cheaper identification of microorganisms, not just beneficial to the health sector, but in industrial, food and agricultural ...
Clean-up tool for our commonest contaminants
Australia has taken a key step towards improving measures of human health risk with the release of new guidelines targeting one of our commonest sources of industrial contamination. ...
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