Electrical & Power Generation Equipment Feature Articles

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Current coal seam gas approach not covering risks
Australia would greatly benefit from a "slow down and learn approach" to managing possible risks from coal seam gas extraction given the near impossible challenge of modelling its ...
Intelligent design: Wise up and build for the climate
There may be no belching smoke stacks to be seen, but every time we thoughtlessly put up a poorly designed structure or resort to energy-intensive solutions to cool, heat, and operate ...
Challenging questions as the 'Asian Century' begins
Asia's boom economies, led by China and India, must overcome a series of complex challenges to guarantee the region's long-term prosperity, according to Asian Development Bank ...
Solar cell turns windows into generators
Imagine a world where the windows of high-rise office buildings are powerful energy producers, offering its inhabitants much more than some fresh air, light and a view.
Global emissions surge back after GFC
A recent spike in worldwide carbon emissions growth was caused by the rebound from the global financial crisis (GFC) and is likely to be a one-off, according to a new study from The ...
Next generation solar cell efficiency gets research boost
Researchers from The University of Queensland (UQ) and Korea have combined their expertise in polymer patterning and materials science in a bid to develop new-generation solar cells. ...
Fission for a safe new energy source
Nuclear energy is the only viable non-carbon-based energy source for the future, despite the recent nuclear accident in Japan, according to a James Cook University professor.
Aussie research drives quantum computing forward
The future of quantum computing has taken a step forward following a groundbreaking first by scientists who have shown how a single atom can communicate with electrical circuits.
Apprentice electricians underpaid and undervalued: research
Despite Australia's critical shortage of skilled workers, many trade apprentices are living on a wage that falls below the poverty line and is barely higher than the unemployment ...
Greener factories for the future
You’re at work and there is a power blackout. So your company’s electrical grid taps into your car batteries. Along with roof-top solar panels and the energy stored in hundreds of ...
Energy experts say keep calm and carry on efficiently
The world can cut its carbon footprint by over 50 per cent through energy saving measures which also save money.
Single-atom transistor is "perfect"
In a remarkable feat of micro-engineering, University of NSW (UNSW) physicists have created a working transistor consisting of a single atom placed precisely in a silicon crystal.
Australian innovators in solar world first
In a boon for the local solar industry, a team of researchers from Swinburne University of Technology and Suntech Power Holdings have developed the world's most efficient broadband ...
New power source discovered
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and RMIT University have made a breakthrough in energy storage and power generation.
New roofing materials cut carbon footprint
Roofing materials that double as solar panels and can also moderate the temperature of buildings are among the next-generation building products being developed at UNSW.
Power profiles help electronics go green
New and better ways of measuring high-tech energy consumption could lead to significant environmental and economic gains, a study from The Australian National University has found.
US Navy taps into Australian biofuel capabilities
Biofuel technology being developed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers has caught the interest of the US Navy, which is currently in Australia on an alternative ...
Europeans tell Australia, address solar potential now
Trade association says photovoltaic market is "at a crossroads" and can no longer rely on debt-laden Europe to drive growth.
Vehicle fuel efficiency - where have all the savings gone?
Carmakers have made great strides in fuel efficiency in recent decades — but the mileage numbers of individual vehicles have barely increased. An MIT economist from the US explains ...
Overcoming the solar and wind energy storage hurdle
A new Queensland University of Technology (QUT) research project aims to overcome one of Australia's main hurdles to the increased use of wind and solar energy.
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