Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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CEOs told to bet big on coming mega-trends
CEOs have been told to look beyond to the current gloomy economic news, and take intelligently aggressive steps to capitalise on the mega-trends transforming business.
US manufacturing tipped to bounce back: research
After years of decline, US manufacturing is set to rebound in the next five years, as China gradually loses its competitive advantage.
Tyre recycling breakthrough nears commercial launch
A new recycling process could be the answer to alleviating the environmental burden of old tyres.
The psychology of industrial disputes
New research has added more gloom to the threat of strikes by showing how the emotional strain of protracted negotiations can lock rivals on a path to mutual destruction.
Carbon and tax are two different issues: ACCI
While the words "Carbon" and "Tax" seem inextricably linked in political debate they are separate issues and should be viewed as such, a group of Melbourne’s leading industry CEOs ...
Early days for Australian synthetic fuels
Synthetic fuels made from gas could be made for about half the current price of a barrel of oil - but it's early days yet for the new technology in Australia.
Buy Australian: Labor acts to preserve local manufacturing
The Gillard Labor Government is championing its Buy Australian at Home and Abroad initiative in an effort to help Australian suppliers benefit from the nation's major resources ...
Texting, grand theft auto style
Texting and driving don't go well together - though not in the way you might think.
Qantas cops heat on Asian push
BHP Billiton, Westfield, Billabong, News Corporation.
Renewable power source research a boost for transportation sector
Work at Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation (ANSTO) could hold the key to driving the electric cars of tomorrow further and making Australia’s transportation industry ...
Effective biodiesel production needs time: scientists
Biodiesel is still very much in the experimental stage according to a group of Queensland scientists, who say time is needed to make the fuel substitute a widespread and effective ...
Food processors count cost of carbon tax
While debate rages about whether a carbon tax will be good or bad for the country, many people have been left confused about what it actually is.
Tequila plant could fuel vehicles and help reduce emissions
Large scale farms of the agave plant used to make the drink tequila could be established in Australia's arid inland as a novel and greenhouse-friendly solution to our transport fuel ...
Innovation report card gives Australia thumbs up
Innovative Australians are improving the things they make and the way they make them, ensuring a fairer, richer, healthier and greener future.
Transport sector talks tough on carbon tax
The carbon tax is on everyone’s lips, not least in the transport sector which looks set to be one of the hardest hit by its introduction.
AI keeps aircrafts safe
Swinburne engineers have developed an inspection system based on artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and characterise internal flaws in composite materials in aircraft.
Now, businesses can begin planning
Some industries hate it, others love it, but at least the details of carbon pricing are out now.
Australian infrastructure not "bad", but under imminent pressure
Australia’s creaking infrastructure may not be as bad as many of us are lead to believe.
Rugged smart phones, the smart choice for industry
The past four years has seen a dramatic growth in the use and availability of smart phones, and the handheld devices are now having a profound influence on the way many people do ...
Is Australia secure?  5/20/2011
Is Australia secure?
The killing of Osama bin Laden reminded the world just how focused the United States remains on countering terrorism.
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