Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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What would happen if Mother Nature could sue?
A Southern Cross University law academic has teamed up with one of the world’s leading experts in environmental governance to discuss what would happen 'If Mother Nature Could Sue' ...
Porous material has potential to reduce fossil fuel emissions
A low-cost new material that could lead to innovative technologies to tackle global warming has been discovered by scientists at The University of Nottingham.
Plastic solar cells pave way for clean energy industry
A Flinders University researcher has been developing a cheaper and faster way of making large-scale plastic solar cells using a lamination technique, paving the way for a lucrative ...
Turning farm waste into energy
The University of Nottingham in the UK is helping a small local business develop a unique technique for converting waste products from farms into energy.
Use carbon tax to clean up coal pollution, researchers urge
Two of Australian's leading clean-up scientists have urged governments and policymakers to earmark a portion of the carbon tax to cleaning up the mess that may be left by the nation's ...
Salt-based battery a giant leap for renewable energy
Murdoch University researchers have come up with a potential solution to one of sustainable energy's greatest challenges: power storage for use in non-generation times.
Fast-charge stations powering zero-emission vehicles
Perth has gained Australia's first electric car fast recharge network with 23 new fast-charge stations installed across the metro area, in a project led by researchers from The ...
Ship engine exhaust emissions may threaten environment: researcher
Ship engine exhaust emissions make up more than a quarter of nitrogen oxide emissions generated in the Australian region according to a recently-published study by CSIRO and the ...
Comfort laboratory tackles indoor climate change
University of Sydney researchers will be looking for ways to slash one of the world's biggest single sources of energy consumption — the heating and cooling of buildings — at a ...
Carbon capture breakthrough: turning emissions into stockfeed
The political football that is carbon pricing could be deflated thanks to a scientist who has discovered a way to turn carbon dioxide emissions into stockfeed.
"Bio-perversity" may harm environment, ecologists warn
The rush to plant trees to offset carbon emissions could have a harmful impact on Australia's native environment if it is not very carefully managed, some of the nation's leading ...
Researchers clear the way for affordable fog harvesting system
A parched inland village in Peru has an innovative water resource thanks to a simple 'fog harvesting' system installed by two University of Sydney honours students.
Sound-powered stove is music to the ears of rural villages
A revolutionary sound-powered stove and electrical generator is currently being tested in the conditions it was designed for — rural villages in Nepal and Bangladesh.
Australia 'must help' in world's silent water menace: expert
Australia should take a lead in tackling the emerging global crisis in groundwater, according to one of the nation's most eminent water scientists.
Portable device detects petroleum contamination in soil
Ziltek Pty Ltd and CSIRO recently announced the commercialisation of a new hand-held device for the rapid in-field analysis of petroleum contamination in soil.
Blacker photovoltaic panels boost power generation efficiency
Simple production process for lowering the reflectance of solar panels lends itself to commercialisation.
Funding boost for super microchip
Griffith University's Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre has been awarded $1 million in research funding by the state government to develop production processes for a silicon ...
Emission reduction technology gets funding boost
Curtin University researchers will develop new technology for reducing carbon dioxide emissions after receiving $1 million of State Government funding.
Carbon tax good first step: economist insists
The Carbon Tax is a good first step in addressing Australia’s high carbon emissions but we really need to introduce the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in 2015 for the carbon price ...
No more cloudy days for solar?
For a country with so much sunlight, some might think Australia has been slow to adapt its electricity generation mix to include solar power.
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