Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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Engineers make hydrophobic interaction discovery
A new equation developed by University of California – Santa Barbara (UCSB) chemical engineers solves the mystery of forces between water-repelling and water-attracting molecules ...
Wonder material graphene given research boost
Graphene, the world’s thinnest, strongest and most conductive material, has received a huge research boost in the UK, set to bring the material into mainstream global commercialisation. ...
Tyre recycling breakthrough nears commercial launch
A new recycling process could be the answer to alleviating the environmental burden of old tyres.
Extending service life of miniature ball bearings increases profits
Miniature ball bearings are used in dental technology, where they must meet extremely high demands such as high speeds, extraordinary loads, and extreme peak temperatures inside the ...
GRW testing yields breakthroughs in lubrication for longer life
As Europe’s largest manufacturer of miniature and small ball bearings, GRW has recently completed detailed testing and the optimal use of lubricants for miniature and small ball ...
Magic weed cleans up toxic chrome
Using a noxious weed to clean up a toxic metal can rid the environment of two harmful substances, protecting people, water life, soil health and food crops, a new study has found.
Asia's e-waste pollution may spread worldwide
Thousands of tonnes of toxic e-waste are entering the world’s atmosphere, oceans, fresh waters, soils and foodstuffs every year. This is now spreading round the planet, including ...
Aluminium industry outlook mixed: AAC
Australia is a leader in the production of bauxite, alumina and aluminium, and growth potential exists, just as long as the policy environment does not reduce the attractiveness of ...
Prepare now for the end of the boom, economist warns
The resources boom is not costless. What happens when it ends? Australia needs to prepare.
Emerging chemicals pose environmental concerns
There is growing scientific concern over the combined impact of novel toxic chemicals on the environment worldwide, according to leading international scientists.
Business creatively meeting the sustainability challenge
The question of sustainability is often seen to be at odds with industry and sound economic management – but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.
Figures show economy getting patchier
The patchwork economy seems to be getting patchier by the day.
Aussie researchers discover superdense aluminium
An international research team has discovered a new material, superdense aluminium, which has never before been found on Earth.
Australian manufacturing at a crossroads
The government says Australia is recreating itself, and building a new economy on a new type of manufacturing. Industry sees it differently.
Plain packaging may butt out ailing tobacco industries
The Australian Government has big tobacco companies panicking with the introduction of a tobacco product plain packaging bill to Parliament in July.
Synthetic biology comes of age as answer to industrial problems
Synthetic biology, while still a relatively new field, is already well advanced to deliver solutions to common industrial waste and energy challenges.
Tequila plant could fuel vehicles and help reduce emissions
Large scale farms of the agave plant used to make the drink tequila could be established in Australia's arid inland as a novel and greenhouse-friendly solution to our transport fuel ...
Scientists invent heat-regulating building material
A new material that can retain and release heat according to specific temperature requirements could make a significant difference to the cost of heating and cooling buildings, ...
Using nitrogen ‘cleanly’
The world can produce enough food and cut greenhouse gas emissions if it learns to use nitrogen more efficiently in agriculture, a world-leading Queensland University of Technology ...
Two-speed economy is alive & kicking
The two-speed economy is alive and kicking, albeit with only one of its legs.
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