Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Cherry juices rise in "superfruit" status
Cherries have long been appreciated for their taste, but growing evidence about their health benefits is now putting them squarely in the frame for "superfruit" status and they are ...
Gift of the gab helps food crops beat drought
Researchers from The Australian National University have discovered a new cellular communication process used by plants to respond to drought.
Flowers used more as flavours
Rising interest in naturalness and growing awareness of the potential health benefits of botanical ingredients have combined with the desire for something more unusual to develop ...
Will 2012 really be the year of the farmer?
The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has heralded the start of the new year, calling on all Australians to join with agriculture in celebrating the Australian Year of the Farmer.
Ethical food concerns continue to evolve
Despite financial constraints it appears that consumer interest in making ethical food choices is continuing to increase.
Purity, authenticity and sustainability lead food trends for 2012
Innova Market Insights has identified ten key trends to impact the food and beverage market through 2012 and beyond.
Copycat food labels confuse consumers
Australian supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths have increasingly been coming under fire from food manufacturers, and it’s not just private label goods at the centre of the storm. ...
Air con research facility tests manufacturer claims
How do you know if the star ratings on your air conditioner really perform as they state on the label?
Researchers rapidly ID bacterial culprits
A new research laboratory will allow for faster and cheaper identification of microorganisms, not just beneficial to the health sector, but in industrial, food and agricultural ...
Coffee continues to chill out
While the ready-to-drink or iced coffee market is relatively mature and showing only modest growth in much of Asia, levels of interest elsewhere in the world appear to be growing.
Tension wood study broadens biofuels research
Taking a cue from mother nature, researchers in the US have undertaken a first-of-its-kind study of a naturally occurring phenomenon in trees to spur the development of more efficient ...
Unlocking IP for business
In a first for Australia, the University of New South Wales will offer the majority of its intellectual property to companies for free, in a radical step to turn more university ...
Transforming manufacturing through research
$300 million in manufacturing research funding across 1000 projects will help develop currency made of sugar cane and lightweight car parts – and that’s just for starters.
One hundred thousand food processing jobs at risk
Australia’s food manufacturing sector is under threat, and the industry’s peak body wants something done sooner rather than later.
New battlefront opens up in gas debate
The battle to protect Australia's terrestrial environment from feared effects of coal seam gas (CSG) mining is at fever pitch.
Closing the farming efficiency gap
Ways to reduce the costs of phosphorus fertiliser use on farms – critical for sustaining high agricultural production in many Australian farming systems – have been identified in a ...
Joint health still focused on supplements
Despite an ageing population and a growing interest in maintaining active lifestyles, joint health remains a very underdeveloped area of the functional foods market as a whole.
Learning from China's 2500 years of business ethics
China, the world’s second largest economy, has its own business ethics and doesn’t need western values forced on it, according to a leading international business academic.
Breakthrough in the production of flood-tolerant crops
Recently, thousands of families lost their homes and crops as flood waters swept across Central America.
Engineers make hydrophobic interaction discovery
A new equation developed by University of California – Santa Barbara (UCSB) chemical engineers solves the mystery of forces between water-repelling and water-attracting molecules ...
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