Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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Developed countries using resources at 'greater rate' than reported
The amount of raw material needed to sustain developed countries' economies is significantly greater than current indicators suggest, a new Australian study has revealed.
Chinese company fined for breaching Australian workplace law
A Chinese company involved in dismantling heavy equipment at the former Mitsubishi site in Adelaide has been fined almost $15,000 by the Federal Circuit Court for breaching Australian ...
Tas building apprentices back-paid 'more than $116k'
The Fair Work Ombudsman has recovered more than $116,000 for underpaid apprentices in Tasmania as part of a campaign focussing on the state's residential building industry.
FWC apprenticeship decision aims to strike 'careful balance'
The Fair Work Commission has rejected "unworkable" union claims opposed by industry, according to Ai Group chief executive Innes Willox.
Dust-free solutions for loading open trucks and tankers
The WAM GROUP has a comprehensive range of loading bellows which are designed for the efficient, dust-controlled loading of dry dusty bulk solids materials into containers, varying ...
Research reveals consumers care about buying local
New research from Roy Morgan, commissioned by the Australian Made Campaign, has revealed buying Australian-made products has become more important to Australian consumers.
Govt's electrical licensing regime 'compromises safety'
Master Electricians Australia has slammed the federal government for a sham consultation with industry, saying the flawed national licensing regime for electrical contractors seemed ...
Long-term growth forecast for building and construction sector
The Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) has forecast overall positive sentiment for the national building and construction sector, with a number of states expected to enjoy ...
Aussie Work, Aussie Rights campaign aims to protect 457 workers
The exploitation of foreign workers in Australia and the need to make sure that our kids receive the skills and training they require for the jobs of today and tomorrow is back on ...
Get your facts straight: ABC website to investigate contentious claims
Australia is about to get its facts straight – that's the message from the team behind the ABC's newly launched Fact Check website and accompanying platforms including television, ...
Govt 'ignored' insulation program safety concerns: MEA
Master Electricians Australia has welcomed the coalition's promise to establish a full judicial inquiry into the federal government's Home Insulation Program (HIP), if the party were ...
Qld govt 'must acknowledge' importance of manufacturing
The downturn in mining has seen manufacturing companies in regional Queensland 'close their doors', causing job losses in communities – and the Australian Manufacturing Workers' ...
New microscope offers exciting nanotech opportunities in Aust
A new microscope that enables scientists and industry to measure materials and structures a million times smaller than a grain of sand is now in operation at the National Measurement ...
'Optimal positioning' for Queensland solar panel owners
A University of Queensland study has identified the ideal tilt and angle for solar panels on Brisbane roof tops.
How to avoid economic bubbles and crashes
By using methods developed to study the interactions of particles and applying them to economics, researchers at the University of Sydney have shown that small changes can create a ...
To stay or not to stay – that is the employee question
What makes employees leave or stay in organisations and how organisations can improve employee retention is the focus of a public lecture being held at the University of South ...
Industries to fly and fall in 2013-14
As Australian companies begin the new financial year, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to soar and sink in 2013-14.
Forced labour legislation puts employers on notice
An immigrant cook is put to work in appalling conditions, for 14 hours a day, seven days a week, and not paid a cent. Is that slavery? Criminal exploitation? Not necessarily.
'Stupid and absurd', experts debate new draft height safety standard
Between 2003 and 2010, there were 204 reported workplace deaths as a result of falls, yet height safety experts are divided on the adequacy of the new draft Standard, with some ...
Scientists crack the 'coffee ring effect'
Ever notice how a dried coffee stain has a thicker outer rim, while the middle of the stain remains almost unsoiled? This 'coffee ring effect' also occurs in other materials.
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