Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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New risk management program improves mine safety
Managing risks in the resources industry is an ever changing challenge – however University of Queensland (UQ) researchers working with coal industry experts are making it easier ...
Shift workers' health comes under scrutiny
An international team of sleep researchers has developed the world’s first screening tool to help reduce workplace accidents and illnesses, including cardiovascular disease and ...
Boardrooms should drive safety culture
Company boards have a powerful role to play in influencing the safety outcomes of the organisations they govern beyond pure compliance with relevant workplace safety legislation, ...
Workaholics can't compensate for unhappy home life
People who try to deal with an unhappy home life by investing more time and effort at work are deluding themselves, according to a new study recently published by the British Journal ...
James Hardie litigation comes at 'staggering cost'
A corporate governance expert says the final ruling in the James Hardie Industries litigation does provide some broad justice and clarification of directors' duties, but the length ...
How to safely remove, replace pneumatic tyres on forklifts
There has been a new focus within the materials handling industry of late regarding the danger of wheel removals and replacements on all forklifts with pneumatic tyres.
Workplace cyber bullying becoming more widespread
Cyber bullying – using modern communications such as e-mails, texts or web-postings - is as common in the workplace as ‘conventional’ bullying. Yet, the way cyber bullying influences ...
Research leads to smarter sewage management
Scientists from UQ's Advanced Water Management Centre have found a way to curb the cost – and smell – of sewage transportation.
Laws not the key to safe phone use in cars
New technology, rather than new laws, is the key to improving driver safety while using mobile phones in cars, according to a QUT expert.
Counting the cost of injury in Western Australia
A Senior Research Fellow with the Centre Population Health Research at Curtin University is uncovering the true cost of injury in Western Australia thanks to a $150,000 research ...
Safety concerns for inexperienced construction supervisors
Inexperienced workers are being promoted to supervisory roles within the civil construction sector without the specialist training required, according to a new study by Edith Cowan ...
Mouldy SA buildings know their limits
The acceptable amount of mould in Adelaide workplaces has been officially set for the first time following a collaborative scientific study by Flinders and Adelaide University.
Easy to fall asleep at the wheel: study
Nodding off at the wheel could be easier than you think. All participants in a QUT study showed extreme levels of sleepiness 40 minutes into a simulated driving test after waking ...
Digital stress and strain: the paperless office as a workplace hazard
Office workers from all professions are experiencing unprecedented levels of neck, back, shoulder and arm pain as an unintended consequence of the paperless office, according to new ...
Mental stigma? Workers less likely to claim for psychological illness
Research has found workers are significantly less likely to claim GP visits for psychological illnesses on workers' compensation than they are for physical work-related injuries such ...
Employee power means fewer sickies: study
Employees take fewer sickies if they have more control over their jobs, according to a new study.
Australians work too hard: expert claims
Overwork is significantly impacting the mental health and wellbeing of Australians, a Flinders University labour studies expert warns.
The hunt is on for Australia's brightest sparks
The search is on again for the nation’s greatest ideas – in fields from environmental science to education – through the $70,000 The Australian Innovation Challenge awards.
Nanoparticles seek and destroy groundwater toxins
Iron nanoparticles encapsulated in a rust-preventing polymer coating could hold incredible potential for cleaning up groundwater contaminated with toxic chemicals, a leading water ...
Fighting fires with computer modelling
Through advanced computer modelling of house fires, mechanical engineers at UNSW are giving fire fighters a new suite of tools to investigate and battle dangerous blazes in time for ...
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