Automation & Control Feature Articles

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NI test outlook reveals integration, software, computing trends
Measurement and automation leader publishes its Automated Test Outlook to help engineers stay up-to-date on current technology trends.
‘Internet of Things’ will connect 16 billion devices by 2020
There will be an average of at least one connectable device for every person on the planet by the end of the decade, claims a new report.
Precision instrumentation – fifty years of expertise
Back in the 1960s Ross Brown started his business selling general hardware products, fast forward fifty years and the man in charge is not the only thing to have changed.
Chemical migration from food contact packaging materials
Food packaging is vital for ensuring foods are not contaminated, providing physical protection and extending the shelf life of foods.
Gas detection instrumentation, putting industrial safety first
Accidents involving gas can not only cost workers their lives, it can also cost companies thousands of dollars in fines and penalties.
CSIRO trials cutting edge wireless sensors research
The world is an interconnected web of people and places.
Wireless technology keeps tabs on infrastructure
Engineers routinely inspect bridges and other structures for cracks and corrosion.
Outlook for metal manufacturing patchy: AMTIL president
Pat Boland was appointed president of the Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Limited (AMTIL) in January this year. Boland is a founding partner of the ANCA machine tool ...
Big changes at Port of Newcastle
Feature of the week: It's called T4, short for Terminal Four, and (like its predecessors) aims to cash in on surging global demand for coal, while simultaneously shrinking the number ...
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Measuring an electron
Quantum computers promise exponential increases in processing speed over today's computers through their use of the "spin", or magnetic orientation, of individual electrons to ...
The gulf that separates consultants & manufacturers
Feature of the week: Keith Monaghan was not impressed. The president of the Plastics Industry Manufacturers of Australia (PIMA) had just picked up the phone. A consultant was on the ...
Skills & finance shortfalls a concern for engineering sector
Feature of the week: Australia's engineering sector, despite the negative impact of the global financial crisis (GFC), has shown itself to be resilient and adaptable. But there are ...
ERP solutions drive business efficiencies
Feature of the week: The software integration industry is experiencing a boom time with business enquiries for enterprise resource planning (ERP) consolidations driving business ...
Workplaces still lack women
Only 38 per cent of Generation X, tertiary qualified women participating in a long-running University of Melbourne study or work full-time, compared to 90 per cent of Generation X, ...
Waste management for Australian businesses
Feature of the week: Every year Australian businesses purchase millions of computers, printers and televisions, and throw out their old ones.
Emotional intelligence: Enhancing success in the workplace
Where there is emotional intelligence in the workplace, there are likely to be happy, and productive employees who work as a team.
Remote-access meters can cut your energy costs
A new web-based smart metering system has been developed by CSIRO to enable householders, small businesses and electricity retailers to remotely control energy use over a broadband ...
Skilled workers needed: Federal Budget to the rescue
Feature article of the week: For the construction industry, the recently released 2010-2011 Federal Budget is focusing on building foundations for skill training. This marks a strong ...
Understanding AUS's desert businesses
A major national study aimed at identifying the secrets of business success for small and medium enterprises gets underway this week.
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