Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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Industrial designers riding innovation to the hilt
Two Queensland University of Technology (QUT) industrial design lecturers and entrepreneurs have designed and built a number of motorcycles so refined they have attracted the interest ...
Miner pioneers fuel cell technology in underground operations
Demonstrating its commitment to the mitigation of climate change and sustainable mining, Anglo American Platinum has launched a platinum-based fuel cell powered mine locomotive ...
Manufacturers to suffer as sluggish retail sales continue
Retail spending is expected to be moderate over the next quarter, following a sluggish start to 2012, putting further pressure on Australian retailers and manufacturers, according ...
Aussie laser radar fuels African renewable energy efforts
Smart Australian laser technology is poised to bring a huge improvement to the lives of tens of millions of East Africans by helping to ignite industrial, economic and jobs growth.
Supercapacitor breakthrough to drive electric car technology
Enhanced supercapacitors offer promise as alternative energy source for portable devices and electric vehicles.
Intelligent design: Wise up and build for the climate
There may be no belching smoke stacks to be seen, but every time we thoughtlessly put up a poorly designed structure or resort to energy-intensive solutions to cool, heat, and operate ...
Challenging questions as the 'Asian Century' begins
Asia's boom economies, led by China and India, must overcome a series of complex challenges to guarantee the region's long-term prosperity, according to Asian Development Bank ...
Greener factories for the future
You’re at work and there is a power blackout. So your company’s electrical grid taps into your car batteries. Along with roof-top solar panels and the energy stored in hundreds of ...
Rats map out the future of GPS technology
Ditching satellites and complex, powerful computers and opting for camera technology inspired by small mammals may be the future of navigation systems.
Future advanced steels for the automotive industry
Motorists of the future can look forward to safer vehicles which leave a smaller carbon footprint thanks to pioneering research being carried out in UOW’s Faculty of Engineering.
Vehicle fuel efficiency - where have all the savings gone?
Carmakers have made great strides in fuel efficiency in recent decades — but the mileage numbers of individual vehicles have barely increased. An MIT economist from the US explains ...
Fatigued fathers pose a risk in the workplace
Working fathers with new babies experience cumulative fatigue which may pose a risk in the workplace, according to new research from Southern Cross University.
Research drives solutions to improve unsealed roads
A Kansas State University graduate student sees the unpaved road ahead, and it's filled with biomaterial.
QUT research to help safer emergency aircraft landings
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) aviation researchers are developing an information system to help Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) make safer emergency landings and better ...
Farms could yield jet fuel of the future
Ever since the Wright brothers, the aviation industry has been looking for ways to fly further faster. Now with the help of the US Department of Energy (DOE), Virent, and DOE's ...
BMW and Toyota in long-term research collaboration
BMW Group (BMW) and Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) concerning a mid-to-long-term collaboration on next-generation environment-friendly ...
NZ at forefront of global electric vehicle technology
In by far the most significant technology transfer deal ever achieved by a New Zealand university, car travel worldwide is set to be transformed by revolutionary technology developed ...
Tiny cell technology helps boost fuel economy
Ford in the United States has won a Society of Plastic Engineers award for the "Most Innovative Use of Plastics" for its MuCell instrument panel innovation on the new Ford Escape.
Research could take mobile phone users off the road
To increase safety on the road, wireless researchers are looking for technologies that can passively influence the behaviour of drivers who put themselves and others at risk through ...
Engineers make hydrophobic interaction discovery
A new equation developed by University of California – Santa Barbara (UCSB) chemical engineers solves the mystery of forces between water-repelling and water-attracting molecules ...
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