Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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Putting the right foot forward: mining boom vs the environment
The coal seam gas rush and plans to open up one of Australia's largest undeveloped coal fields are providing hope of another mining boom for resource-reliant Queensland.
Price 'collar' could break climate deadlock
The world needs to move away from only setting national carbon emission targets, an expert from the Australian National University (ANU) has claimed.
Joining the dots for solar breakthrough
Scientists at RMIT University are attempting to boost the efficiency of solar energy conversion technology with an improved type of solar cell.
Mapping out a sustainable future for mining
Research underway at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Orange is using native wetland plants to help map out a sustainable future for Australian mining.
Innovation and change key to unlocking Asian century
Innovation and change will be the hallmarks of the Australian companies that succeed in the Asian century, the In the Zone conference at The University of Western Australia was told ...
Australia must 'bank' its water: study
Australia should prepare now for dry times ahead by 'banking' its water underground when rainfall is plentiful, according to an important new scientific study.
Methane gas levels in CSG fields under review
Research conducted by Southern Cross University shows methane concentrations collected around the Tara gas fields in Southern Queensland are significantly higher than surrounding ...
James Hardie litigation comes at 'staggering cost'
A corporate governance expert says the final ruling in the James Hardie Industries litigation does provide some broad justice and clarification of directors' duties, but the length ...
Research shows global drought areas have not increased
Global drought areas have not increased over the past 60 years due to climate change, according to a new paper published in Nature, contradicting previous research.
Battery paves way for 'intermittent' energy storage
Queensland technology company, RedFlow, recently launched a highly innovative renewable energy battery storage system — the M90 — at the University of Queensland's St Lucia campus.
Photosynthesis may hold secret to renewable hydrogen fuel
The prospect of creating clean, renewable hydrogen fuel is closer than ever after a breakthrough in our understanding of photosynthesis.
Powering one of Australia's remotest locations
An off-grid, sustainable power supply developed by a Curtin University PhD student is being used to power one of the hottest and most remote locations in Australia.
World's soils subject to 'alarming degradation': expert
A distinguished Australian scientist, the winner of an international soil science prize, has called for Australia to lead a renewed global effort to reverse the alarming degradation ...
Research leads to smarter sewage management
Scientists from UQ's Advanced Water Management Centre have found a way to curb the cost – and smell – of sewage transportation.
Climate change scientists: why and when we believe them
Whatever their political persuasion, people are more likely to believe that global warming is caused by humans if they find out that most climate change scientists believe this is ...
'Vast' green energy prospects seen in remote regions: review
Remote Australia has a 'vast potential' to produce renewable energy for domestic use, for supply to coastal regions and possibly even to East Asia, according to a new review carried ...
Weed mat to transform farming sector
CSIRO has developed a new biodegradable weed mat which could put a stop to nasty weeds and transform the future of Australia’s agriculture and farming industries.
Research seeks a new weapon for winegrowers
New research at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Orange will attempt to find new ways to protect Australia's vineyards from two of the wine industry's biggest scourges — the pathogenic ...
How will energy companies adapt to the carbon tax?
The Australian Research Council (ARC) is funding researchers at the University of New England to investigate how energy producers and consumers are adapting to the carbon tax.
Boost for algae biofuel commercialisation
RMIT University has signed a multi-million dollar partnership with World Wide Carbon Credits Australia to develop an algae-based biofuel at a commercial scale.
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